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Making a Living Online - My Journey
Good article and congrats on your success.
I've debated on taking the plunge since my make more online than I do offline, but health insurance is my biggest scare. I also doubt I'd stay motivated enough to work online more than I do now.
jcmayer777, on 12/31/2011

5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
I just love this article and it's light-hearted approach to this subject. Every word is so true! I once had an article I almost deleted. After it was brought up as the most unique article on ...
Janet Ford, on 12/31/2011

Fresh Cranberry Salad Recipe
My goodness this Cranberry Salad looks delicious. I love cranberries with their fresh, zingy taste and pineapple too. Will love to try this when the weather warms up a bit!
Marie, on 12/31/2011

Best Tinkerbell Bedroom Decor for 2018
Thank you, Jimmie. My daughter's favorite book is Peter Pan - she loves Tinkerbell, Peter Pan (the boy who never grows up) and the Pirates! She noticed that Tink was not particularly nice in the book (compared with the Tinkerbell movies) and I ...
Marie, on 12/31/2011

Get rid of Cable TV, the Roku 2 XS streaming player is all you need
I need to pass this on to my husband. I didn't know this existed! Thanks for the overview.
Jimmie, on 12/31/2011

Best Tinkerbell Bedroom Decor for 2018
Adorable bedroom theme! A child would dream of flying around London with Peter Pan with a bedroom like this.
You know, Tink's personality has been somewhat reinvented. She was quite mean in the original book and Disney movie. Jealous, vengeful, ...
Jimmie, on 12/31/2011

Tumble Tower | A Best Picture Book Review
I think my own Messy Princess would love this book. She is the right brained, nutty professor type who always creates huge messes with her creative endeavors.
Jimmie, on 12/31/2011

Father Of The Bride
Your daughter made a lovey and beautiful bride! You are right to be proud - and that setting - spectacular! Congratulations to all..
dustytoes, on 12/31/2011

Why a Blogger Should Write a Blog Series
Great topic with some fabulous ideas and tips. Thanks, Jimmie!
Susan52, on 12/31/2011

Clean Eating Spinach Dip Recipe
I don't have parties much, but I could eat this clean spinach dip myself as a meal - (well not the whole thing)! I need a food processor too... you like yours?
dustytoes, on 12/31/2011

5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
You make some great points here. Now I am off to read about your neighbor's trashy yard.
Kathryn A., on 12/31/2011

Tumble Tower | A Best Picture Book Review
Tumble Tower sounds like fun!
petunia, on 12/31/2011

Why a Blogger Should Write a Blog Series
I need to get serious about blog post series, for sure. in fact, my entire year of blogging could be pre-written in a variety of series. Will be thinking about that today - thank you!
petunia, on 12/31/2011

5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
Indeed, we must keep writing! I enjoyed your article and encouragement!
petunia, on 12/31/2011

Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
Katiem2 It is great to meet you and thanks for commenting.I am glad you enjoyed it. Hope to see you around.
poshcoffeeco, on 12/31/2011