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Fast and Easy Article Promotion
When used in a non-abusive, friendly and helpful way, promotion can be a great win-win solution. Some of your articles might answer some questions and help people, but if they do not know about them, it does not help them and it does not make ...
DrDarko, on 12/29/2011
Harry Chapin's "Flowers are Red" & Dweck's Achievement Motivation Theory
I am such a Harry Chapin fan. I saw him at the Greek Theater in L.A. one year before he died. It was such a loss.
BrendaReeves, on 12/29/2011
An Open Letter to All Ron Paul Supporters
Generalization is too easy - Insulting a complete demographic is amateur. You can do better than this can't you? At least dignify your chiding with something more than fan posters and hurt ...
Dean, on 12/29/2011
What Men Want in a Woman
Great article. It is almost a web site in it's own right.
poshcoffeeco, on 12/29/2011
Creating a free web site
Nice article. Look forward to seeing the site finished. Love the main site also.
poshcoffeeco, on 12/29/2011
An Open Letter to All Ron Paul Supporters
That "real heroes" picture you posted is fictional. Just sayin'
Voice of Reason, on 12/29/2011
Almond Cookie Recipe
Yes, I think I might. I like the fact that it uses very few ingredients - all of which are in the pantry now!
Digby_Adams, on 12/29/2011
Fast and Easy Article Promotion
Yes, I am very poor at article promotion. I tend to write and just leave it to fate! But next year I am planning to take this aspect more seriously. Thank you DrDarko :)
Marie, on 12/29/2011
Brownie Mix Brownies - Easy Brownie Mix Recipes
Oh yum, Mint-Chocolate Brownies! Love, love, love.
Marie, on 12/29/2011
Wooden Toys
Thank you, ethelsmith, for your great comment. I am sure they will never vanish from the market.
Maria, on 12/29/2011
Easy Gourmet Biscotti Recipe
These sound fantastic!
sheilamarie, on 12/29/2011
Ways to Save Money on Your Bills
I am back! We were talking about this subject over lunch and I was reminded how difficult it was for us to get my partner a mobile 'phone that simply made and received calls and sent texts. The assistant would persist in "but don't you want to ...
pkmcr, on 12/29/2011
Ways to Save Money on Your Bills
There are so many ways we can tighten our belts and make do with just a little bit less. We all have different priorities and can find different areas to cut back. I like to eat well, but I do my best to buy inexpensive foods by shopping at ...
Jimmie, on 12/29/2011
Why should you never just be yourself?
You know... It's incredible how much are people willing to forgive and forget if you are an artist...
DrDarko, on 12/29/2011
Kindle Accessories for Travel
I've had my Kindle for a couple of years, and I still love it. A light is a must when traveling!
Jimmie, on 12/29/2011

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