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The Mike DeHaan Wizzography
I'd like to see an article or two on your Mennonite church. I know very little about that branch of Christianity.
JoHarrington, on 12/31/2011
Why a Blogger Should Write a Blog Series
Great Wizz, Jimmie! I don't normally link in comments but I just read this the other day on a similar topic.... Both that article and yours have got me thinking - I need ...
wrylilt, on 12/31/2011
5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
Super article and incredibly well written! This si the sort of article to come back to at times when you get fed up of all the other stuff that goes on online!
pkmcr, on 12/31/2011
Best Giraffe Gifts
Thank you - I appreciate your visit to my giraffe page.
Marie, on 12/31/2011
How to Maximize a Blog Series
I'm LOL at "sneeze page" - I had to go and look that up! Great idea, though!
tandemonimom, on 12/31/2011
Indian Head Nickel
You left out Two Gun White Calf who lived from 1871-1934. Even though artist Fraser forgot the other model's name, Two Gun White Calf was recognized as one of the men who posed for the nickel. ...
Three Winters, on 12/31/2011
Why a Blogger Should Write a Blog Series
Timely advice, Jimmie! I'm writing my first blog series post right now, one post each on how my homeschooled children learned to read. Since I have four children, I guess that will be a four-post series. :-)
tandemonimom, on 12/31/2011
Best Giraffe Gifts
Interesting Page! I like how unique the topic is!
JustGreatTips, on 12/30/2011
Annoying Habits of HSSchulte
I'm a recycler also. I have to pay extra for my recycling bin. I've tried doing without it to save money, but the guilt was overwhelming. I can't stand to think of anything going into a land fill.
BrendaReeves, on 12/30/2011
Online Therapy: Does it Work?
Thank you Samsons1! Look forward to sharing more in the near future!
HealthforLife, on 12/30/2011
Meaning Of Eye Colors
what about white eyes? is that possible?
Julie Phan, on 12/30/2011
Are You Looking for Traffic or Sales?
Great tips on getting both traffic and sales. Thanks, Katie
katiem2, on 12/30/2011
Summer vacation plans
There is no better time to make vacation summer plans, oh I can't wait, thanks for the amazing facts and tips on vacation plans. Katie
katiem2, on 12/30/2011
Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
I love facebook, changes, meh they happen in my line of work all the time. I just learn to roll with the changes such as the time line facebook change so I don't love it or loath it, but I do love facebook, great article, thanks for the ...
katiem2, on 12/30/2011
What Men Want in a Woman
Thanks poshcoffeeco, Great to hear from you on matters of the heart at what men want in a woman.
katiem2, on 12/30/2011

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