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Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar Toys
Jimmie Matt and I spent a wonderful day at the Eric Carle Museum in Stockbridge, MA. His artwork is gorgeous. I just bought my nephew an Eric Carl Hungry Caterpillar book and plush. The plush toy has all these different textures and a rattle. ...
Digby_Adams, on 12/30/2011

Clean Eating Spinach Dip Recipe
Oh my goodness - All these delicious food hubs. I'm going to make this and the sausage balls for New Year's Eve. I also think this will be great all summer long - as a way to use all of those garden vegetables. The spices sound delicious as well!
Digby_Adams, on 12/30/2011

How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger Using Clever Storage
Great ideas for storage. I am always looking for ways to reduce clutter in my home with 4 kids and all their stuff. Every room seems to get so cluttered with misc items from shoes to toys. All of these are great ideas for me to redo some of ...
Angel, on 12/30/2011

My Zazzle Success Story
Great story, Pam! Hope your success will continue in the new year!!!!! Will have you in my prayer~!! Happy New 2012~!!!
Ujean, on 12/30/2011

Lis | Lissie | Elisabeth : Internet Marketer, Author, Traveller
Hiya Lissie,
looks like I am stalking you (no not really). I love the article on your progress to date. You seem to get so much done!
As you may remember I am on HP and fairly new to money making through article writing. Anyway I have found my ...
poshcoffeeco, on 12/30/2011

Crossloop: A Lifesaver for Remotely Troubleshooting Granny's Computer
Jimmie - I'm glad that you liked it. I can thoroughly emphasise with that annoyance too. If I'm calling someone, then it really is in desperation. I know how to flush my own DNS, thank you very much! So when it starts with 'have you tried ...
JoHarrington, on 12/30/2011

Writing for The Web
These are useful tips for those who want to succeed in writing online. One should realize that it is very different from traditional writing
Aysha, on 12/30/2011

Crossloop: A Lifesaver for Remotely Troubleshooting Granny's Computer
What a fantastic product! And your commentary is so spot on and humorous. I have to say that it is annoying to be on the other end of IT calls when they tell you to reboot. DUH. I wouldn't be calling you if that solved the problem. But I guess ...
Jimmie, on 12/30/2011

A Great At Home Pedicure Begins with Great Toenail Clippers
You know, when old folks can't reach high anymore, and they use those extenders with a grabbing mechanism up front...THAT's the kind of toenail clipper I'm looking for! Any ideas? ;-)
Congrats on your "Editor's Choice Award"!
chefkeem, on 12/30/2011

Writing for The Web
I always enjoy reading your pages. You do get right to the point and don't waste the reader's time. I tend to get long winded and have to work on that. Thank you.
dustytoes, on 12/30/2011

Crossloop: A Lifesaver for Remotely Troubleshooting Granny's Computer
Hi Dustytoes, thank you very much!
I'm unfamiliar with 'log me in', but anyone developing programs like this has my undying gratitude! I'll have to check it out.
JoHarrington, on 12/30/2011

Crossloop: A Lifesaver for Remotely Troubleshooting Granny's Computer
This sounds like "log me in" which my son uses to sometimes get into my computer and help me out. I am the computer dummy and my son is the geek. I did enjoy your article very much and congrats on getting Editor's Choice --- Well deserved...!
dustytoes, on 12/30/2011

My Zazzle Success Story
I want to say thanks to all the readers who have left such nice comments here. I hope I've helped inspire you if you have a Zazzle shop and are trying to make a living online. And thanks so much for all the well-wishes!
dustytoes, on 12/30/2011

Fast and Easy Article Promotion
Great tips DrDarko, Thanks for the detailed article, very well written and most informative. I will put the tools you've mentioned to work promoting my articles. There are many listed here I ...
katiem2, on 12/30/2011

Make Money Online Easily With Wizzley
Glad to hear you are making money here. I too write on hubpages as well as other sites and I am actively testing other things to make money online. My ultimate goal is to learn effective methods of generating income via article writing / ...
poshcoffeeco, on 12/30/2011