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Cute Owl Party Supplies and Ideas
These owl party theme ideas are perfect for a kid's party! Love the colorful designs and surely the kids will love it!
Lisa @ B&B Party Rentals New J, on 01/02/2012
Packaging Homemade Cookies and Candies for Gift Giving
Thrift store plates! What a stroke of brilliance!
couturepopcafe, on 01/02/2012
Robert H. Schuller and the Fall of Positive Thinking
Schuller's church failed because it wasn't Christ's church. Possibility Thinking is just the same old lie of Satan, a quasi-Christian adaptation of the belief that we are all little gods and can ...
Marcus, on 01/02/2012
Top 5 Things a Secular Humanist Can Do to Start the New Year off Right
Terri, I guess the issue I have isn't with the method of killing so much as it is with the quality of life of the animal. I know that most halal meat comes from little farms that don't confine their animals. I'm not arguing that people should be ...
emmaspeaks, on 01/02/2012
5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
Congratulations on your great success! Knowing you've done a good job is also a great perk, I think.
PeggyHazelwood, on 01/02/2012
What will 2011 go down in history for?
It's hard to keep on a positive note with all that has transpired this past year. It's hard to think of all the people who have suffered and are continuing to do so. Caring for each other as we move ahead will be so important. Great article, ...
sheilamarie, on 01/02/2012
When Teens Fall in Love - Young Love First Love
We all remember our first love -- I know I do. But coaching your teens through the heart ache and despair is still hard on the heart. You want to make their pain go away. Thanks for the tips!
mandeesears, on 01/02/2012
Isotoner SmarTouch Gloves
These are so cool! My daughter asked Santa and Grandma delivered for Christmas! She absolutely loves them and say they work great. Terrific article Shelia!
mandeesears, on 01/02/2012
Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
@Terri, that's a great idea about the heart confetti to dress the table up. @Jimmie, thanks for the heads up on the different spellings! I had no idea that Cozy has a Z in the US! Thanks so much for your visits and comments which are greatly ...
Marie, on 01/02/2012
Top 5 Things a Secular Humanist Can Do to Start the New Year off Right
I'm a secular humanist and agree with some of the things on your list, but halal meat? Really? I'm no expert but I regularly see articles that explain how cruel it is to slaughter animals without stunning them first. I've always avoided meat ...
TerriRexson, on 01/02/2012
Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
The damask and traditional checks are my favorites. The great thing is that they can be used at times other than Valentine's day. Very pretty. I think that a table cloth really dresses up a dining room and also offers warmth. (As a side note, I ...
Jimmie, on 01/02/2012
Portable Hand-held Espresso Machine
I know some coffee addicts who would love one of these to make sure they can get coffee anywhere!
TerriRexson, on 01/02/2012
Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
I'd be practical and choose a red design that can be used for Christmas too. You could always add some heart confetti.
TerriRexson, on 01/02/2012
Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
Thanks Paul for visiting :)
Marie, on 01/02/2012
Disney Snowglobes and Water Globe Collectibles
They do, one of my daughter's favorite Christmas gifts was a snowman globe which she loved to shake and watch.
Marie, on 01/02/2012

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