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Man Candles
Awesome, Love the spin on the ever popular candles, man candles is perfect to give to any man with a man cave. Katie
katiem2, on 01/02/2012

Dog Apparel-Winter Jackets/Snowsuits For Dogs
Nice page, great information and well laid out. My two dogs approve of your dog winter apparel. Katie
katiem2, on 01/02/2012

5 Reasons To Keep On Writing
Great inspiration, I like the way you think. I write about a topic near and dear to my heart. It's a passion of mine and one I love to write about so I do, I do it to encourage others. Love this article, Thanks Katie
katiem2, on 01/02/2012

How to Throw a Fairy Tea Party
Thanks Jimmie I appreciate your comments. When my daughter was younger we attended a fairy tea party (that's where the pics are from). I hope that next year she wants to do something like this for her birthday party.
cardelean, on 01/02/2012

How to Throw a Fairy Tea Party
Any little girl would love a fairy tea party! (I would! And I'm not "little.") I love parties where the guests get to dress up. I can just picture lots of little girls with fairy wings on. Sweet.
Jimmie, on 01/02/2012

Valentine's Day Statistics
I love Valentines Day, It's wonderful reading such an informative article on Valentines stats. Loved it! I give Valentines to my two daughters, my sweety, my Mom, friends and also buy them for my daughters friends and teachers. We prefer ...
katiem2, on 01/02/2012

When Teens Fall in Love - Young Love First Love
mandeesears, So true it is difficult to help teens through this process. I assure you it is much easier once you let go, listen to them and be comforted by how capable they are. It's amazing what our teens are empowered to do once given the ...
katiem2, on 01/02/2012

Will using Cashback sites pay off?
I'm another who hasn't heard of Topcashback. You've introduced me to yet another helpful tip, thanks for the info on using cash back sites and the pro's and cons. Katie
katiem2, on 01/02/2012

Where To Find Free Pictures For Your Articles
Always good to have new image ideas. Spend ages fretting over copyright and licenses.
lestroischenes, on 01/02/2012

Love at First Sight
Ethel, Sounds like love at first sight to me Ethel, great to hear you lived happily ever after. <3
katiem2, on 01/02/2012

Kids Cakes
Fabulous I love em all. Wonder if I could have a kids cake? We were deprived of these as kids lol
ethelsmith, on 01/02/2012

What will 2011 go down in history for?
Thanks Sheila, yes it will. At my age I have seen some weird and wonderful years. Let's hope this year turns around and soon'
ethelsmith, on 01/02/2012

Teapot Art Illustrations
Tea for me as well - I love tea and coffee and I seem to collect teapots too. They certainly look pretty on a wooden dresser or sideboard. Great page.
Marie, on 01/02/2012

Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
Thank you, Bev, for your comment and for stopping by.
Marie, on 01/02/2012

Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
The Happy Heart Swirl is pretty festive and has a retro feel to it. Great job!
bev-owens, on 01/02/2012