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Wizzley Banners
Thanks for sharing the Wizzley banners.
evelynsaenz, on 10/08/2011
Tutu Costumes
My children still love dress up. No child should be without a good collection of dress up clothes.
evelynsaenz, on 10/08/2011
Originality or Plagiarism?
Sometimes there is a fine line between these two. Plots have been reused over and over with slight twists. A lot of fiction plots are variations of the old folk and fairy tales. The Cowboy and the Black-eyed Pea Is a good example of a plot ...
BarbRad, on 10/08/2011
10 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing May Not Be Right For You
Such a thorough look at this topic! I am blessed to have my online income, but like you say, it fluctuates and is not a guaranteed thing.
Jimmie, on 10/07/2011
Container Gardening For Vegetables
My mom does container gardening, and this year I have enjoyed a small two-pot herb garden. Delightful!
Jimmie, on 10/07/2011
10 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing May Not Be Right For You
Excellent and very thorough article on affilate marketing.
Paul, on 10/07/2011
Cartagena, Colombia - An Offline Story
It didn't happen to me yet, and I can only imagine that it must be very inconvinient. My worst experience with airlines was a trip to Peru which ended in Brasil because we were runinig out of fuel. After company paid a fuel and changed a crew we ...
pajs64, on 10/07/2011
The iPad vs Android Tablet
A hard decision with iPad 3 round a corner and Android tablets springing out daily.
pajs64, on 10/07/2011
The Best Portable DVD Players for Families
We bought one for a trans Atlantic flight with our little doughter and since then we use it in the car always.
pajs64, on 10/07/2011
Tablet Computer Info
I am about to buy one, but with so many options it is difficult to decide.
pajs64, on 10/07/2011
The Barnes and Noble Nook
With Kindle Fire 199$ price tag I would rather decide to go with Amazon.
pajs64, on 10/07/2011
How to Hold an Apron Parade
I've never heard of apron parades before, but it sounds like an interesting idea.
WebaliciousGuides, on 10/07/2011
Fresh Lemon Pound Cake
mmmmm! YumYum recipe. Would love to try it.
I love lemon flavour!
hamshi5433, on 10/07/2011
10 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing May Not Be Right For You
This is great advice for anyone considering a new career of online writing or affiliate marketing. It's a long road and certainly does require a lot of work to be successful. I think you've presented a very realistic view. So far I've not been ...
BarbRad, on 10/07/2011
Zucchini Bread
I feel the same away about zucchinni but love to eat it this way! It's a great way to get your veggies!;-)
Guest, on 10/07/2011