Latest comments

Invasion of the Groundhogs
they sure are brave! i think they do as much damage as moles!?
Guest, on 06/21/2011
Children's Games
I grew up in a small Maine community near the beach. I rode my bike to the beach to go swimming just about every day. Of course maybe I haven't grown up at all, because I still do that!
Digby_Adams, on 06/21/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
If I ever get into WordPress...I certainly know where to turn for help. Thanks for sharing.
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Cute day planners 2023
I could see using an undated day planner. That's just me!
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Writing For Money and Quality
Writing is always an ongoing learning curve. I am enjoying the ride.
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
How To Choose A Niche
This subject has been in my thoughts. I'm new enough in internet marketing to get my wings spread...but no niche yet. I think I heading there now. Thanks for the wisdom.
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Il Volo Breakout Tenor Group
Wow! What voices and nice looking young men. I hope they wow the world with their voices.
ohcaroline, on 06/21/2011
Will Voice Recognition Put Medical Transcriptionists Out of Work?
Great. As long as your job is safe, I'm happy. :)
chefkeem, on 06/21/2011
Why I Hide My Identity On The Internet and You Should Too
This is great advice. When I first started writing online, the site I wrote for (BellaOnline) required me to use my real name and picture. It was a great site to gain experience, but I regret that I didn't have the choice of keeping my ...
PJDeneen, on 06/21/2011
Will Voice Recognition Put Medical Transcriptionists Out of Work?
Thank you for commenting chefkeem. I suppose that's always a possibility. I think there are too many variables. Some doctors dictate while they are in the car or taking care of a child. I don't think they would want to be filmed in those ...
PJDeneen, on 06/21/2011
Crafts from Around the World for Kids at Michaels
Sounds like a lot of fun! I love going into the Michaels store and usually come out with more than I had gone in for. Such a great place to spark your creativity!
sheilamarie, on 06/21/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Sheila you are welcome, if you have questions, please let me know, I'll do my best to answer. I also can redirect to a lot of other related info in my Blogs. Thanks for reading my posts.
Michey, on 06/21/2011
WordPress Plugin Part 01
Thank you, Michey. I am new to Wordpress and need all the help I can get. Sometimes just a few suggested Plugins are a big boost. Thanks for your generosity in sharing what you know!
sheilamarie, on 06/21/2011
Will Voice Recognition Put Medical Transcriptionists Out of Work?
I enjoyed reading your authoritative insights on this topic. I was wondering...what if, at some point in the future, the voice recognition tools will include cameras that can see if a doctor looks over his notes, or bites into a sandwich, and ...
chefkeem, on 06/21/2011
Small Space Gardening
Some really great ideas here for anyone with a small space in which to garden. We are fortunate to have quite extensive grounds but you can adapt some of these ideas however large your garden is
pkmcr, on 06/21/2011

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