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Strong Female Characters in Fantasy Literature
The EarthSea stories by LeGuin are books that I read so long ago, I almost forgot about them. But they are a great story. I will have to check into the others you suggest. I have found that most stories with strong female protagonists are ...
lakeerieartists, on 06/26/2011
Annoying Habits of HSSchulte
Clearly smart enough to do an annoyingly great job homeschooling those boys!
tandemonimom, on 06/25/2011
Annoying Habits of HSSchulte
Oh that was SO annoying. Not! Nice change of pace!
PeggyHazelwood, on 06/25/2011
How to Create Quality Comments on Wizzley
Very thought-provoking article. It occurs to me, having read this, that I can do a much better job of assisting authors with SEO-friendly comments. You also reminded me, in a powerful way, that ...
Diana, on 06/25/2011
Ezekiel Low Sodium Bread
LOL, yummy on the lunchtime sandwich. This bread really is good warm, because of the unique nutty taste. I am not sure if I have seen it at Meijers, but they should have it at the Whole Food Market.
WhiteOak50, on 06/25/2011
What Is A Micro Niche?
why fight with a lot of competition in your chosen niche. Micro niches make it so you can beat the competition. Choose a micro niche and then do it better than everyone else. Great job Paul!
nightbear, on 06/25/2011
Ezekiel Low Sodium Bread
I have never even heard of this bread. But it certainly sounds good. And Chef Keem's sandwich is my kind of sandwich too. Is it lunchtime yet?
nightbear, on 06/25/2011
Ezekiel Low Sodium Bread
Patricia, if you should try it, please come back and let us know how you like it. Chefkeem, WOW... my kinda of sandwich!! Sheilamarie: I know so far I have only seen it sold in Health Food Stores and also online (which I found out while ...
WhiteOak50, on 06/25/2011
Applique Quilt Patterns
These patterns are lovely!
sheilamarie, on 06/25/2011
Ezekiel Low Sodium Bread
Sounds good, but I've never seen it in a store around here.
sheilamarie, on 06/25/2011
What Is A Micro Niche?
More things to learn! Thanks, Paul!
sheilamarie, on 06/25/2011
Gluten Free Hazelnut Almond Biscotti
I'm always on the look-out for gluten-free recipes as I have several friends with gluten intolerance. This recipe sounds terrific!
sheilamarie, on 06/25/2011
Piltdown Hoax
Nice to find a cultural article on here.
Kate-Phizackerley, on 06/25/2011
Chef Keem - who the hell is he?
That's a catchy little Squidoo song... and I like the singing only slightly more than the dancing (so funny). All I knew about you was the Alaska travels and cooking, but you are doing so much more. Nice to meet you Chef Keem.
dustytoes, on 06/25/2011
Sewing Crafts to Repurpose Jeans
I love this idea! So many ways to repurpose an old friendly pair of blue jeans.
sheilamarie, on 06/25/2011

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