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Will I Be Able To Retire?
Hi! Yes, I am thinking about a comfortable retirement as well... so this is why I do Internet Marketing, affiliations, JV partnerships and so on. I want a diversify portfolio which will produce recurring earnings for a while. Today is Sunday, ...
Michey, on 06/26/2011
Information Technology Trends
Thanks Joan, don't even think about first or last, the bottom line is that you are growing, learning, and enjoy what you are doing. Thanks for reading my post Have a great weekend.
Michey, on 06/26/2011
Planning a 50th Anniversary Party
Oh Paula, the 50th Anniversary party that you, your sister and brother gave your parents sounds wonderful! you need a personal assistant to go along on that Alaska trip? I could carry your bags, sweep rocks out of your way, anything you ...
bev-owens, on 06/26/2011
Work At Home Dads
Our plan is to have both of us working from home in a few years. I'm taking the plunge first, but my partner would like to be a work at home dad. He's just as involved with the kids as me. Definitely a great topic to raise awareness on.
TerriRexson, on 06/26/2011
Information Technology Trends
I access the web almost at much from my iPhone as from my computer these days. Yes, I agree mobile is happening.
TerriRexson, on 06/26/2011
Oatmeal Makes a Good Hot Breakfast
Our whole family eats oatmeal for breakfast in the winter, or porridge as we say in the UK. It's lovely with chopped dates. Apple and cinnamon does sound good, we'll have to try that.
TerriRexson, on 06/26/2011
Information Technology Trends
Oh Michey! I know you are right and I am dragging my feet about Mobile Marketing. Keep encouraging us. One day I will learn how to do that. I think I was last to learn key words and word press, and I may be the last to learn mobile ...
petunia, on 06/26/2011
Choose a Buckwheat Pillow for a Good Night's Sleep
This is interesting and helpful, I guess I need one... Thanks for a useful post.
Michey, on 06/26/2011
The Big Bang Theory
I finally got a chance to see teh show, so very true what you have said!
RebeccaE, on 06/26/2011
How to Create Quality Comments on Wizzley
thank you so much for teh tips, I've only been on wizzley a little while but need to pull up my boots to get this going better.
RebeccaE, on 06/26/2011
Chef Keem - who the hell is he?
I can tell you are inspired by talking with you, and appreciate your time and help as I learn what I'm doing with Web 2.0. Thanks for sharing your story!
kimbesa, on 06/26/2011
Choose a Buckwheat Pillow for a Good Night's Sleep
I need another one of these, to keep my head in the right position for a good night's sleep. The cooling factor is also very important to me...thanks!
kimbesa, on 06/26/2011
Netbooks for Kids | Small Laptops for Kids
With the increased use of computers everywhere it's important that we get kids used to using them in a safe and monitored environment. Some great ideas here for small laptops for the kids
pkmcr, on 06/26/2011
Why to write a Business Plan
Thanks for this useful overview of the benefits of formulating a quality business plan. For someone unfamiliar with the process, would you recommend the use of certain tools, templates or software to structure a business plan? Are there ...
nightowl, on 06/26/2011
Magic of King Tutankhamun
I would have been very difficult to get to the Mask of Tutankhamen as the area it is in at least seems secure. That wasn't always the case. If you will recall in the 1990's someone stayed ...
James Whitfield, on 06/26/2011

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