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Google Analytics Setup on Wizzley
thanks for writing this in understandable language...:-)
Guest, on 06/17/2011
Vermont Covered Bridges
These covered bridge pictures bring back so many happy memories from the state of Vermont. When I was little we went there every fall to look at the leaves and get fresh maple syrup - and of course maple sugar candy. I couldn't pick my favorite. ...
Digby_Adams, on 06/17/2011
Coconut Water
I have to admit that I am an ignorant on coconut water but you presented very well so ... one more thing to try... Your post was useful for me.
Michey, on 06/17/2011
Peace Sign Necklace
Thank you sheilamarie. I hope they're happy memories.
Digby_Adams, on 06/17/2011
A Beautiful Hydrangea Wreath for Your Front Door
Hydrangeas were my wedding flower and they are still my favorites. They are so easy to grow. I love to hang them upside down and let them dry. Thank you for stopping by to read my wizzle!
Digby_Adams, on 06/17/2011
Invasion of the Groundhogs
Wow, adorable but I wouldn't want them too close. Love your photos with the babies and the cats! FYI: Vaillan on Squidoo has a lens on how to get rid of chipmunks. Maybe it would work on these guys too.
PeggyHazelwood, on 06/17/2011
Theresa Kennedy in a nutshell
Thanks for share and let us know you better. I am also a nature lover, traveler and enjoy camping so we have a lot in common... Regards and welcome to wizzley, you will enjoy the platform.
Michey, on 06/17/2011
Peace Sign Necklace
Nice presentation, Digby_Adams! Yes, I'm old enough to remember. . .
sheilamarie, on 06/17/2011
A Beautiful Hydrangea Wreath for Your Front Door
These are lovely! I'd love to have one on my door!
sheilamarie, on 06/17/2011
Invasion of the Groundhogs
This was a really fun read. I'll have to write a bit about my local wildlife that have tried to move into my house -- packrats, squirrels, BEARS!
sheilamarie, on 06/17/2011
Invasion of the Groundhogs
Very cute, those baby ground hogs. Good job capturing them with your camera (and making a killer Wizzley about it...)!
nightowl, on 06/17/2011
Symptoms of Stress
Oh my I think I must be going through some severe stress, Most of these symptoms are what am going through as well! Neatly presented and Informative Article.
hamshi5433, on 06/17/2011
Sounds like a fun job, actually. And imagine -- being over 50 as an asset for employment!
sheilamarie, on 06/17/2011
Why I Hide My Identity On The Internet and You Should Too
Chilling -- some of your examples really make one think. I do prefer to see a real picture of someone, but I have felt hesitant, too. Especially on places like Facebook, some people reveal way too much info that can and have been used against ...
sheilamarie, on 06/17/2011
An iMac Review
I use a MacBook Pro and really enjoy it. I don't use any of the other gizmos, but they sound like fun.
sheilamarie, on 06/17/2011

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