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Self-Portrait of ohcaroline
Tons of things I didn't know. The baseball card collection and the woodworking is what got me. Hey, anyone that has these interests is someone I want to read more of ;)
KathyMcGraw, on 06/04/2011
Are You A Flower Gardener?
Thank you WordCustard! The Peony is hardy in the USDA Zones of 3-8. I'm in zone 5. They love full sun, although I have 4 peony bushes that are planted in partial shade, and they are very healthy. The pink and the red peony photos you see here ...
FlowerGardener, on 06/04/2011
Hemifacial Spasm - Our Daughter's Story
You're doing a great job of getting the word out about hemifacial spasm, Joan.
Treasures By Brenda, on 06/04/2011
How to Socialize for Homeschoolers
Ron, actually the opposite is true. As an introvert in public schools, forced into interactions whether I wanted them or not, I withdrew into extreme shyness that I was unable to overcome until my adult years. Three of my four children are ...
tandemonimom, on 06/04/2011
Bathrobes for Girls
Yes, these are pretty bathrobes. My guys used to love their bathrobes.
Treasures By Brenda, on 06/04/2011
Entertain Baby While You Do Housework or Shower
I certainly used a bouncer when my now 12 year old was a baby. The she graduated to the old fashioned playpen. Love those things!
Jimmie, on 06/04/2011
eBook Shopping - How To Buy eBooks Online
I buy them mostly from - I live in the UK so can't buy ebooks from although I can buy regular books there.
Stazjia, on 06/04/2011
It's me! nightbear!
What a heart-warming introduction of you, Susan. Say hi to Jim. :)
chefkeem, on 06/04/2011
How to Socialize for Homeschoolers
What a great treatment of the issue. Or should I say non-issue. Most homeschoolers I know are better at healthy socialization than their public schooled peers. Healthy is the key word. But, of course, homeschooling is not a magic pill. The ...
Jimmie, on 06/04/2011
Who Is Doc Hellams
Thank you all for these best wishes for Doc. I am telling him about each and everyone of them.
ohme, on 06/04/2011
Who Is Doc Hellams
Happy Birthday Doc!! Hope I am able to see you at the next reunion, my track record very good.... : ) I will try though. Hope you make this a whole birthday month out of it!
Ellen Davis Sexter, on 06/04/2011
Ten Ways to NOT Make Money on Zazzle
Excellent! Great read. I hope a few thousand people hit the Zazzle link to read it.
Steve , on 06/04/2011
How To Use Keywords And Keyphrases
Nicki - I'd say, show your primary KW in URL, description, page title, at the beginning of your intro paragraph, in some of the module titles and sub-titles, and 3x within your text, bolded, cursive, and in quotes. Then, one more time in the ...
chefkeem, on 06/04/2011
eBook Shopping - How To Buy eBooks Online
Nowhere yet as haven't got one,but, would love to get one, hopefully, if and when finances improve. Loved reading this, amazing what happens today. If you can get one free, then why buy a book at all?
Spook, on 06/04/2011
Introduction to Grandma Marilyn
@sheila, not really. Your still have your cars, pickup truck and pedestrians acting stupid in front of you.
GrandmaMarilyn, on 06/04/2011

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