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Series Commas: The Comma Before "And"
Thanks for the education on the use of serial commas!
Dianne, on 06/08/2011
Practice Photography in your own Back Yard
I imagine that taking photos of nature can be relaxing and soothing. Nature has a lot to offer. The photograph of the primrose is beautiful, as with all the photos on this article.
WebWriter, on 06/08/2011
Wizard of Oz T-Shirts and Gifts
Judy Garland's over the rainbow is my all time favorite song, and Wizard of Oz my all time favorite movie. I can't even count the number of times I've watched it. It brings back a lot of memories from my childhood.
WebWriter, on 06/08/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
Your article puts branding into perspective and makes it easier to understand. I don't think a lot of people realize that their comments are being index too. Thanks for this useful information.
WebWriter, on 06/08/2011
Jaegerschnitzel - The Unbreaded Truth
Sounds good enough to eat, either way. I am from Illinois and I think they call them breaded pork cutlets. If it ain't breaded and fried, it ain't worth eating (to them).
PeggyHazelwood, on 06/08/2011
Simple Homemade Peach Butter
OMG...I have to make some of this! Thanks so much for sharing your recipe. Think I'll try it with maybe a tiny bit of cloves...YUM!
boutiqueshops, on 06/08/2011
Why Do You Write?
Thanks for this excellent article about online marketing and content creation. Why do you write?...a very important question. I love your remark about "rehashing crap". We're still seeing way too much of it.
chefkeem, on 06/08/2011
Mexican Cruises - Tips from Our Personal Experience
I live so close to Mexico but I've never been across the border. A Mexican Cruise would be a real nice vacation!
chefkeem, on 06/08/2011
Coconut Macaroons - Tres Leches Recipe
Those look good. I'll bet my brother in law would especially love them. Thanks!
kimbesa, on 06/08/2011
An Affiliate Program with some fun attached as well as practicality.
i have a bit of Scottish blood, but I've never thought much about the kilt -- just always associated it with those who play bagpipes. Interesting pictures. Is that you in the "modern kilt" picture? I can't tell because the face isn't real clear.
BarbRad, on 06/07/2011
Poddys The Man Behind The Name
I always enjoy getting to know the people behind the names. I thihnk I first ran into you and Deb on Tagfoot, where I followed the story of your courtship and marriage. I didn't know the things you shared here about all your travels.
BarbRad, on 06/07/2011
Simple Homemade Peach Butter
This sounds incredible! Peach butter. Much better than apple butter.
lakeerieartists, on 06/07/2011
Wizzley vs Hubpages vs Squidoo: Which is more User (& Bank) Friendly
Great comparison. I would add the attention that the creators of Wizzley have given to what does work well is another great plus for this site.
sandralynnsparks, on 06/07/2011
Michigan Lighthouses
I was never really over impressed with the idea of lighthouses. I am not a native Michigander and It was no big deal in Missouri or Colorado where I lived. And then I came to Michigan in 1986 and got to meet one in person, :), Wow what a ...
nightbear, on 06/07/2011
Wizzley vs Hubpages vs Squidoo: Which is more User (& Bank) Friendly
I just found this site and started thinking about joining. I am SirDent at Hubpages. I will think about joining. Traffic dropped about 50% at HubPages since the Panda update.
SirDent, on 06/07/2011

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