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iCloud Service Review
I haven't heard of iCloud before now so thanks for the heads up. I enjoyed reading about the presentation of his new products by Steve Jobs and I imagine that was a very emotional introduction with the playing of "I Feel Good!" by James Brown.
ohme, on 06/08/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
This is an interesting idea, Ron. It reinforces the importance of associating yourself with niches that you actually care about and have genuine knowledge in, rather than the scatter-gun approach. This is something I will ponder on. Particularly ...
WordCustard, on 06/08/2011
Who Is Doc Hellams
Thank you all for these wonderful Birthday wishes. I am telling him all about each of you!
ohme, on 06/08/2011
Who Is Doc Hellams
Doc's birthday isn't until next week -we are just celebrating all month!
ohme, on 06/08/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
Well, I've looked myself up. So far I'm not impressed. I looked myself up with "bookseller" and they've attached me to everyplace on line that sells books -- whether I ever listed with them or not. It is a bit like those generic messages that ...
BarbRad, on 06/08/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
Now you've got me curious as to what my "brand" is. I'm going to see if I can find a "Wonder Wheel" about me. Thanks for this valuable information.
BarbRad, on 06/08/2011
A Quick Piece About Me
Thanks for sharing your story. I enjoyed reading it.
BarbRad, on 06/08/2011
Who Is Doc Hellams
Oh, dear. It appears I'm late to the party. But do extend belated Birthday greetings from me.
BarbRad, on 06/08/2011
Jaegerschnitzel - The Unbreaded Truth
I've eaten many times at the German restaurants at the Amana Colonies in Iowa. Never tried Jaegerschnitzel though. Sounds terrific!
Dianne, on 06/08/2011
Crab Stuffed Mushroom Recipe
Your crab stuffed mushroom recipe sounds wonderful! I don't think I've ever seen crab in a jar. I usually buy it in a can.
Dianne, on 06/08/2011
Some of Irenemarias paintings and drawings
Drawing is one talent I DONT have. I admire those that do though. Art was not my best subject in school. I mean, who gets a D in art. That's like getting a D in PE. Nice paintings irenemaria.
WebWriter, on 06/08/2011
Paper dolls are never too old
Wow, these bring back memories...another thing I played with as a kid. We were too poor for the real Barbies :)
WebWriter, on 06/08/2011
Stick Horses
OMG, I remember these from when I was a kid! With all these fancy games and toys on the market now, I'm surprised these are still around.
WebWriter, on 06/08/2011
Remember the Forgotten Heroes
They should never be forgotten. If I only had an ounce of the bravery of a soldier....
WebWriter, on 06/08/2011
I Work From Home And I Love It
I really enjoy working from home too, but I do miss the interaction with other people. Well, I do interact with other people still, there're just behind a computer like me. I miss the office parties and coffee breaks, and being able to stop ...
WebWriter, on 06/08/2011

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