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Recipe for Buckwheat-Blueberry Breakfast Pudding
I never had buckwheat before. I may try it. I usually put blueberry and heavy cream in my morning oatmeal. It may change to have buckwheat from time to time
fanfreluche, on 06/05/2011
Menopause - My Story and More
Thanks for the tip Chef! Will try rose geranium for menopause.
WebWriter, on 06/05/2011
A Flight Of Fancy
Clever...and like others I can identify as I am currently in one of those homeless places but not eligible yet for a housing voucher. My online income is the only thing putting gas in the car and a few dollars left over to pay a couple bills. ...
KathyMcGraw, on 06/05/2011
Me! Tandemonimom
{blushing} Aww, shucks!
tandemonimom, on 06/05/2011
Personalized Baby Stickers
Thank you Victoria.
CherylsArt, on 06/05/2011
Me! Tandemonimom
I've always thought there was something special about "Tandemonimom." After reading this, I figured out what it is. You are not only unique, you are brilliant. :)
HSSchulte, on 06/05/2011
Who is the other Kathy McGraw
It's always good to learn a little more about each other online. You have an interesting life!
sheilamarie, on 06/04/2011
Self-Portrait of ohcaroline
You're a busy bee, Oh Caroline! Sounds like you have lots to write about!
sheilamarie, on 06/04/2011
The Music of Sharelle
And hear I thought you knew every single artist out there :) Nice find (you did thank Correen didn't you :)
KathyMcGraw, on 06/04/2011
Who Is The Sidewalk Philosopher
What a wonderful introduction! I know you from Squidoo, but never really knew too much about you. Glad to "meet" you!
Veronica Bright, on 06/04/2011
Is It SquidRich or Waxing-Lyrical?
Hi Rich....although I knew your online felt like I was sitting in a friends living room hearing you retell it :) You are a good writer, and glad to see how you do branch out and try new things.
KathyMcGraw, on 06/04/2011
Recipe for Buckwheat-Blueberry Breakfast Pudding
It actually tastes a bit like a blueberry muffin, without all the fat.
BarbRad, on 06/04/2011
Who Is The Sidewalk Philosopher
Thanks for opening up your life to introduce yourself to us. I always appreciate knowing more about the person behind the words.
BarbRad, on 06/04/2011
Menopause - My Story and More
From my work with essential oils I know that "rose geranium" is considered very helpful to menopausal women.
chefkeem, on 06/04/2011
Go Wizzley With A Double Z
Fun first wizzley, and I agree with you -- there's something suspicious about the double letters. Have you noticed that statistically speaking, the O's are in the majority. OOOooooooo! Second comes Z. Could we be in Oz?
sheilamarie, on 06/04/2011

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