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Why Write On
Kirsti - page rank and author rank descriptions can be found on our help page. :)
chefkeem, on 05/29/2011
Cartagena, Colombia - An Offline Story
Love the photo from Cartagena. Thanks for sharing your story and glad your luggage turned up, even if it was too late for the holiday.
Guest, on 05/29/2011
Collecting Seashells: Types of Shells
Super informative article Pam! You are the shell expert!
mandeesears, on 05/29/2011
DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
Great to see you Pam! Thanks, I feel like he will be okay, especially with my brother close by... and, Louise.
mandeesears, on 05/29/2011
Who is the other Kathy McGraw
I also love taking photos, although I don't do it anywhere near as often as I would like. Thanks for adding more pieces of the puzzle.
Guest, on 05/29/2011
Ten Ways to NOT Make Money on Zazzle
Love it! The tips are spot on and couldn't be more true! :o)
csinvitations, on 05/29/2011
Ten Ways to NOT Make Money on Zazzle
Love it! This should be a required reading when you start a Zazzle store!
Suzanne, on 05/29/2011
Why Write On
Looks great. I was searching for info on page rankings and author rankings as well. Maybe those pages are coming.
Comfortdoc, on 05/29/2011
Collecting Seashells: Types of Shells
Your seashell pictures are gorgeous! We used to live near the ocean and reading pages like this brings back the marvelous memories and the wonderful smell of the salty air.
Susan52, on 05/29/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
I am so pleased you decided to join us "Petunia" - how on earth did you expect to hide behind a new ID LOL. Joan your words of wisdom have saved my sanity more than once - thank you for being my friend :)
AJ, on 05/29/2011
New Marvel Avengers Movie Posters and Tees
Ooo, I remember having piles of Marvel Action Comics given to me by my older cousin :)
AJ, on 05/29/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
I hate writing my profile and it does include the word "passion" as in "for seashells" so I guess that would be okay. I'll probably have it changed soon anyway :)
dustytoes, on 05/29/2011
Who is Susan52?
Hi Susan, I look forward to getting to know you better and this page was a good place to start! Sounds like you have a wonderful family.
dustytoes, on 05/29/2011
Weaving the Web of Flowers
Oh I find it impossible to choose my fav flower color, but I can tell you my least fav is probably yellow. I have plenty of it in the garden in spring when all the daffodils come up, but by Summer my garden is full of pinks, reds and purples, ...
AJ, on 05/29/2011
DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
Good luck with that move Mandee! I too have a son I left behind when I moved out of Florida, but he has lots of friends there to take care of him, so yours will be okay - but I know it's tough. And what is your middle name????
dustytoes, on 05/29/2011

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