Latest comments

Poppies in Spring
Here's wishing you all the best of luck and love your poppy stuff. Again agree with Ron about Redgage, for me, maybe another topic.
Spook, on 05/27/2011
DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
I'm another who thoroughly enjoyed reading your story. My, but, you have sure travelled around a lot and here's wishing you and your family all the best in your latest move.
Spook, on 05/27/2011
Weaving the Web of Flowers
So many beautiful flowers. What a neat project.
Guest, on 05/27/2011
Wizard of Oz T-Shirts and Gifts
I love the Wizard of Oz. This is a really fun page. Nicely done.
Guest, on 05/27/2011
Writing Quality Articles on Wizzley (and beyond)
A really beautifully done article. I sense that this site has quality. I'm recognizing authors I've learned to enjoy and respect on other sites. I'm looking forward to becoming part of this ...
Barbara Radisavljevic, on 05/27/2011
8000m peaks and subpeaks
Hi Michey, Thanks for your comment. On (The "German" Wizzley) I have written some more articles about our hiking trips. Regards, Has
Hans, on 05/27/2011
Weaving the Web of Flowers
Beautifully presented. I took a lot of flower pictures from the mission garden at Mission San Luis Obispo today. Hope to be catching up with the challenge soon. The Red Gage part is easy, but ...
Barbara Radisavljevic, on 05/27/2011
How To Make Money on Zazzle
Excellent Louanne. I featured it on my newest Wizzley (which was about halfway completed when you published this, so I changed focus a bit).
Guest, on 05/27/2011
Creating Bookmarks at Zazzle
Bookmarks are a great idea for Zazzle, I've made a few myself but had used the mini business cards so will need to try out the postcard idea. Beautiful flower photography.
WordCustard, on 05/27/2011
Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
Ah, so Prismacolor are still hard to get hold off for us Brits.... I wouldn't mind but a lot of the books I bought do use them and I have to do some colour matching with my Coloursofts. I had a handy cross-reference guide once between them, not ...
WordCustard, on 05/27/2011
Paula Atwell: Artist, Writer, and Owner of Cleveland Gallery, Lake Erie Artists Gallery
Paula, thanks for sharing that you only followed your calling as an artist after you had turned 35, yet another reason to be inspired by you! Your online and offline success set a wonderful example and show what can be achieved with a ...
WordCustard, on 05/27/2011
How To Make Money on Zazzle
Excellent explanation of all the things you can do with Zazzle, Lou. I spend hours there creating products and have also enjoyed promoting the work of others.
WordCustard, on 05/27/2011
Jennywrites Who is she?
Hello Jenny, nice to meet you. Sounds like you are having an amazing experience in the Dominican Republic.
Dianne, on 05/27/2011
A little about Spook
Hello Kevin, glad to read your story here.
Dianne, on 05/27/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
Some day I hope to visit Scotland. I am enchanted by it but for now I only read about it. Nice getting to know you.
Dianne, on 05/27/2011

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