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Michey Hobbies
Michey, what a wonderful education you received from your father. I loved reading the stories about your stamp collecting. What a wonderful, smart father to pass that along to you! Love the family pictures, too. You were a very adorable 1 ...
Susan52, on 05/26/2011
Is It SquidRich or Waxing-Lyrical?
What a great page! Thanks for sharing about you and your life. God Bless you.
Jennywrites, on 05/26/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
I always wondered where the name came from though it's easy to tell you're a writer!
mandeesears, on 05/26/2011
Wizard of Oz T-Shirts and Gifts
I agree that this is a special musical with very good music and story
irenemaria, on 05/26/2011
Patriotic Vision
I love your patriotic flower design. Yes, I do believe a new or renewed vision is needed in the US.
Dianne, on 05/26/2011
Wizard of Oz T-Shirts and Gifts
You are so right! Those munchkin costumes are adorable! Everybody loves the Wizard of Oz, don't they?
petunia, on 05/26/2011
Patriotic Vision
Cheryl, great ideas and vision. I live in Australia and we constantly celebrate the past and our leaders seem devoid of any vision for the future - they are so obsessed with retaining their position and gaining votes. So most of what happens ...
ronpass, on 05/26/2011
Wizard of Oz T-Shirts and Gifts
Wish I could have seen your local production of The Wizard of Oz. The pictures are wonderful and I love the t-shirt designs!
Susan52, on 05/26/2011
Is It SquidRich or Waxing-Lyrical?
Thank you for the kind comments everyone :)
SquidRich, on 05/26/2011
Some of Irenemarias paintings and drawings
Lovely artwork. I love painting and use mostly acrylics. However, I do use watercolors once in awhile too. Love your tips.
CherylsArt, on 05/26/2011
Vintage Style Wedding Invitations
I agree with Chefkeem, they are gorgeous wedding invitations!
Guest, on 05/26/2011
Michey Hobbies
Thanks nightowl and chefkeen, I will tell you more soon. I still have learning curve to handle the layout of the page the way I want, but hopefully I'll bypass this hurtle... still have open questions...
Michey, on 05/26/2011
Michey Hobbies
Very interesting life story, Michey. I hope you have many more travels so you can tell us about them. :)
nightowl, on 05/26/2011
Who or What is WordCustard?
I'm one of those who were more familiar with the smiling pear. I'm glad I finally found the answer to the origin of your user name as well. Nice to get to know you a bit better. :)
nightowl, on 05/26/2011
Some of Irenemarias paintings and drawings
Beautiful page on watercolor paintings. I love how you use Zazzle to share your art.
nightowl, on 05/26/2011

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