Angela Johnson's Articles on Wizzley by Category - My Wizzography

by AngelaJohnson

Although readers can find all our articles on our profile page, I decided to organize my pages with a link list for quicker viewing.

I write on Wizzley because I can write an article about any subject, and the pages don't need to be related like when writing on a blog. I also love to browse through the Wizzley website to read other people's articles. What a variety of topics!

I love to read, daydream, take walks outdoors, take photographs, visit with friends, and learn about nature. I'm interested in natural and organic foods and alternative health.

I was born in Missouri, the "Show-Me" state, so although I'm open to new ideas, I'm also skeptical and don't believe everything I read.

I've lived in the states of Missouri, Illinois, Texas, and Tennessee; and also in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and Okinawa, Japan. I've visited a few other states as well, and currently living in San Antonio, Texas. But I am not ready to settle down anywhere permanently.

Article Categories Listed in Order on Page


Unusual Subjects

Celebrations and Fun

Childhood Memories

Food and Ingredients

History and Culture

Online Writing and Advice

Nature and Gardening 

Weeds and Their Uses

Books and Authors




Childhood Memories

Online Writing and Advice


How to Promote Your Articles on Wizzley

Where to Find Photos / Images for Your Online Articles / Posts

When Was The Last Time You Edited One of Your Wizzley Pages?


Books and Authors


 The Inspector Richard Jury Mysteries by Martha Grimes


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On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction

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Old Friend from Far Away: The Practice of Writing Memoir

TWENTY YEARS AGO Natalie Goldberg’s classic, Writing Down the Bones, broke new ground in its approach to writing as a practice. Now, Old Friend from Far Away—her first book sinc...

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Updated: 07/22/2021, AngelaJohnson
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AngelaJohnson on 04/20/2015

candy47 - Thank you. I wish Wizzley had a Table of Contents feature. I only have 59 pages now, but as I write more, it's going to be difficult to display them all on one page and think that people will scroll all the way through them. Maybe I'll have to create a "page 2."

candy47 on 04/18/2015

Great idea putting all your articles into one! Also, I like that you don't believe everything you read...that's me too!!

MBC on 10/04/2014

Hi Emma - I agree writing a blog is much too restrictive. Nice to see all your articles here.

AngelaJohnson on 10/04/2014

EmmaSRose and happynutritionist - thank you both for your compliments. It took me forever, but I finally figured out we have to promote ourselves or very few people will find our articles. I like writing on Wizzley (and Squidoo) because I like to write about all sorts of things; not just one topic.

happynutritionist on 10/03/2014

This is nice how you put this together, like the idea, I may do this soon before the number of pages I do gets too long. You've done some great articles!

Guest on 10/03/2014

I hadn't even thought of the article list module. Maybe I could use that for my shorter list. Let's see...I am in a mood to experiment.

AngelaJohnson on 10/03/2014

I also had a lensography on Squidoo - I think these are good tools. I could have used the article list module instead of a text list, but the thumbnails take up more space on the page, even though they're more attractive. It was hard to decide.

Guest on 10/03/2014

Now that reminds me, I was going to redo my Wizzography this weekend. I think I have just found tonight's task. Thank you. And that's an impressive list of articles you have there already. I think I may have to cadge that idea and do something similar; I had a lensography on Squidoo and a Chazerography on my blog too. They're a good publicity tool. And a handy reference.

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