It can be hard shopping for a 2 through 4 year old boy or girl especially if you do not have children that age - things change so quickly, that a guide of the best Christmas toys for these toddlers and kinder-gardners is bound to be useful. I hope you enjoy visiting and find something useful, be sure to leave me a note when you visit.

Best Christmas Toys and gifts for 2, 3, 4 Year Old Boys
by spirituality
No matter what your budget, you are sure to find the perfect toy for a toddler (boy or girl) right here.
Airplanes are always a popular gift for boys of any age
Including toddlers and pre-schoolers
Don't we all dream to fly? It may be scary in real life, but in play it's just fun all the way.
Airplane toys are a welcome gift for boys, nine times out of ten.
"Ready for take-off…here we go!"
Diminutive pilots in training can let their imagination take flight with this stocky, swooshy, wiggly-wobbly airplane.
It's 12 inches from nose to tail, and 8 inches from wingtip to wingtip. This sturdy plane features a pilot, two passengers, a piece of luggage, a door that opens, six windows, including the pilot’s windshield, a handle over the cut-out top, and working wheels.
My First Brain Quest - 350 Questions and Answers to Build Your Toddlers Word Skills
I'm starting this gifts guide with something that hardly counts as a toy, though there's toy monkey included. This is really a Q&A book that will help your toddler develop their vocabulary and understanding of the world.
Educational and fun though.
For toddlers aged 18 months or 2 years old and up
One Moose, Twenty Mice
A Barefoot Board Book, By Clare Beaton
This is one of those board books that kids just can't get enough of. Fun animals (1 through 20), and an orange cat that is hidden on every page. They'll learn to count, enjoy the illustrations and generally have a lot of fun.
Although the age listed is 3 and up, readers insist that it's suitable for 2 year olds as well.
A dad says
My oldest always loved educational toys. They seem to have lasted the longest and also kept him interested for years.
LeapFrog Scribble and Write
Aimed at 3 through 5 year olds.
This gadget helps kids start learning to write their letters by tracing them on the screen. The screen lights the way and corrects incorrectly drawn letters, which encourages kids to try again.
It doesn't start out with letters of course. First children learn to draw simple shapes and pictures. Letters (upper- and lowercase) come later.
Best Toy Farm Set for Toddlers
This cute farmstead set by Playmobil is designed for toddlers aged 18 months through 3 years old. It's a simple set as you'd expect for this audience. A house, an apple tree, several farm characters including mom, dad, kid, dog, cat, sheep, cow and pig. Everything is mobile: the kitchen, the table, chairs etc.
I really love the farm implements. The horse and cart comes with sacks filled with produce for carrying around and these can be pulled up to the loft of the shed/farm as well.
All this makes for nice opportunities for pretend play that's realistic to the farm setting.
For safety it helps that every corner is rounded and every piece is too large to fit into your baby's nose.
Cleaning up afterwards is easy and creatively designed: just pull up the sides and everything is contained in the building itself.
Reviewers say their kids (aged 2 and 3 usually) love this farmstead set. However, they do report that for those under 2 the parts are perhaps a bit too small.
As an adult listening in you will appreciate the fact that this sort of set doesn't come with flashing lights or annoying sound effects. Instead your child will develop their own imagination and learn to amuse themselves, like most of us did growing up.
More gift ideas this Christmas
Are you looking for gift ideas for a 4 year old boy? There are several fun options for toys and gifts that a young boy will enjoy. At four he is still fine tuning some of his fine motor skills along with cognitive skills.
Are you looking for some toddler gifts for boys? There really are so many fun toys that can encourage a toddler (a child aged 1, 2 or 3) to pretend play and develop his dexterity and motor skills.
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