Gorgeous Roasted Garlic Recipe

by TerriRexson

This roasted garlic recipe is amazing. I make it for holidays and special occasions. And sometimes, just because! Even people who don't like garlic love it.

Thinking of Garlic

We've just been on a day trip to a Garlic Farm. Wonderful! We came home with some gorgeous heads of garlic so I'm going to be making my favorite garlic recipes including this gorgeous roasted garlic. It's a recipe I make on holidays, it's become a traditional on Christmas day, or just as a treat. It fills the house with a gorgeous aroma. Mmm. 

Lots of people will be surprised to find that they like roasted garlic even though they find other forms of garlic overpowering. Once roasted, the garlic takes on a deep, mellow flavor. My kids love it. 

Roasted Garlic

Roasted Garlic
Roasted Garlic

Garlic Baker

Makes a great gift
Norpro Large Garlic Baker
Only $17.73

A Garlic Roaster

Or Garlic Baker

I started making baked or roasted garlic when I received a terracotta Garlic Roaster as a gift over 10 years ago. 

Although I'd often cooked with garlic in stirfries and lasagnes and made garlic bread, I hadn't thought of roasting it. This was a brilliant present! 

Roasted garlic is a wonderful accompaniment to a turkey dinner with all the trimmings at Thanksgiving, Christmas or a family get together. 

It also makes a brilliant appetiser or light meal served with crusty bread. 

Roasted Garlic Recipe

This is how I make roasted garlic. Calling it a recipe might be going to far as it's so simple. But it works. 


Good quality ingredients do make a big difference. On this occassion I'm lucky enough to have garlic fresh from the garlic farm. But I've had good results with store bought garlic too. 

  • One head of garlic per person
  • Olive oil for drizzling


Cut across each head of garlic so that you take the tip off each clove - this will allow oil and steam to get in during cooking. 

Arrange the heads inside the garlic roaster. (I guess you could use another container, but I've never tried since I have a garlic roaster.)

Drizzle olive oil generously over the garlic getting oil onto each clove. 

Put the lid on and bake for around 45 minutes in a hot oven. When cooked the garlic will be soft and squishy. 

Garlic and Olive Oil

All you need
Casa de Fruta Fresh Garlic - 3lb. Sack
Casa de Fruta
Zoe Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1-Liter Tins (Pack of 2)
Only $47.99

Garlic Bulb

Mine had mud fresh from the farm!
Garlic Bulb
Garlic Bulb

Garlic Ready for Roasting

I just have a small garlic roaster - I wish I had a large one
Garlic Ready for Roasting
Garlic Ready for Roasting

Roasted Garlic

Ready to Eat
Roasted Garlic
Roasted Garlic

Serve with Crusty Bread, Meat, Pasta

There are lots of options for serving your roasted garlic. If you want to make it the center of attention then all you need is some crusty bread. 

This time we had ours with good quality sausages from our local butcher, roast potatoes and vegetables. And very nice it was too. 

A Garlic Roaster makes a Great Gift for a Foodie or Gardener

With garlic bulbs to grow
Reco International Garlic Baker
Reco International
3+ ounces Italian Late Garlic Bulbs
Only $8.98

Learn how to Grow Garlic

From a fellow Wizzley author
As fresh local food becomes more popular, many people are growing their own vegetables and herbs. Growing garlic is easy in many climates, and can be used in a variety of recipes.

You can even get a garlic roasting machine

If you really like roasted garlic, you can get a special purpose machine. Very cute! This would make a great talking point at parties and it frees up room in the oven. 

Quick, easy and impressive

Roast Garlic makes a great appetizer

Roast Garlic makes a great appetizer. I like it because it takes just second to prepare and then you just pop it in the oven. It makes the house smell amazing and doesn't require any further effort until you take it out of the oven and impress your friends. 

I just serve one head per person on a plate with crusty bread. Give your guests a knife and they can use it to push the individual cloves out of their skins and then spread it on the bread. It's very satisfying to pop the cloves out! 

Updated: 07/16/2011, TerriRexson
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Sam on 02/12/2012

Excellent article! and I do love garlic in all variations, but can you be a bit more specific with 'hot oven' or does the actual temperature doesn't matter?

Holistic_Health on 10/16/2011

I need to do more with garlic. It makes a wonderful spice and has antibiotic properties.

Guest on 09/01/2011

You are our hero. We do garlic...everything. We have a holistic doctor who got us hooked on every version of garlic...."nature's antibiotic" - and we are believers. At first sign of a scratchy throat, we consume garlic like mad. But aside from that, everything we cook starts with 2 ingredients...olive oil and garlic...no matter what we are putting in the pan...oh, and the keeping vampires away is merely a bonus!

Holistic_Health on 07/19/2011

I've always wondered how to use those little clay pots. Thanks for the tutorial.

Jimmie on 07/15/2011

I used to make this often. I sliced off the tops, drizzled with olive oil, wrapped in foil and baked until soft. The roasted garlic is, as you say, very mild. It makes a great sandwich spread.

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