An ab wheel is probably one of the cheapest exercise equipment pieces around. You can buy a plastic one for around ten bucks while a metal one costs a bit more. Ab wheels consist of a single wheel that spins on an axle. The axle extends out on either side of the wheel and serves as a handlebar. It is designed to enhance the abdominal muscles and the big question is: Does it really work?

The Ab Wheel - An Inexpensive Piece of Exercise Equipment
by terrilorah
Will this single wheel that spins on an axle work to give your abs a good workout?
How Does The Ab Wheel Work?
If you never used one, here's how this little piece operates. It is actually very simple. You have to kneel on the floor with the ab wheel and grasp the handlebar in front of you using both hands. Roll out until you are stretched out and then roll it back.
Simple right? Well, actually most beginners may find it is a bit difficult. The reason why is because you are getting a workout on your abs, arms, shoulders and back and you have to contract your abs the whole time in order to maintain a proper posture. Like anything else, with time and practice you can master the ab wheel.
If you want the wheel to work for you, then start with exercises that match your fitness level. If you are not used to working out, then just start with simple moves. Only roll out as far as you can control the wheel. Get used to it first before you strain something. Using a smaller range of motion at first will help you to get used to the ab wheel until your abs become a bit stronger.
The Ab Wheel Rollout
A How To Video
Does the Ab Wheel Work?
A simple straightforward answer
People are under the impression that the ab wheel will give you a 6 pack. This isn't true. Using this alone will not give you ripped abs. Diet and cardio exercise and a strong dedication is needed also to give you six pack abs. So don't let anyone fool you into thinking this alone will do it.
The simple fact is, this does work. It is one of the best exercise devices that you can use to strengthen your core, which is so very important to stabilize your whole body. Did you know that your abs hold your core in place while you do so many daily tasks? Throwing a ball, standing on one foot, reaching out, reaching over your head and so on and on, a strong core is needed for so many different moves. Using the ab wheel, you have to support your whole body weight while you roll out. This forces your abs to work as a core stabilizer.
Fair warning for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Fitness experts advise you to strengthen your lower back muscles before you try to use the ab wheel. So in order to do that, you may want to do a bit of weight training first just to get that lower back a bit stronger.
Ab Wheel Under $10
![]() | Tone Fitness Toning Wheel The Tone Fitness abdominal toning wheel is an easy to use exercise equipment that can help to add strength to your core and tighten the abdominal muscles. At the gym or in ... Only $12.49 |
Do You Get What You Pay For?
Does the cost of an Ab Wheel make the piece of equipment?
Depending on what you can afford, the ab wheel still has to hold up to a good workout. The ab wheel under $10 above had this review:
"The ab wheel is very well made and if you take the time to snug the grips up tight, the wheels do not wobble at all. As for the workout, it's extremely difficult, but also extremely effective. 10 reps and you feel a burn that lasts for two days! After using 3 times a week for the last three weeks, I've noticed a great difference in the tighyness in my abs." He says this is a good deal.
The wheel below is more expensive but is it a better deal? One reviewer thinks it's a bit pricey even though he found it was a great workout. He says that he has been going to a gym for many years and he knows his way around equipment. He found he likes the ab power wheel because it is different than what you find at a gym. It stimulates the body in a new way, even mentally because there are a lot of different exercises that you can perform at your own home. He advises everyone who purchases the Power Wheel to make sure they watch the video that is included because it has good exercises from their instructions. He claims you can acquire good hamstrings by using this wheel and there are exercises that he never thought of doing. The only negative from this reviewer was he thought it was a bit pricey.
Lifeline USA by Bobby "Sugar" Hinds
![]() | Lifeline USA Power Wheel II Power Wheel for core and upper body strength Only $59.98 |
After Reading the Reviews above, do you feel the cost is important
Is the more expensive Ab Wheel the best buy?
Reviews on Other Exercise Equipment
Cardio Cruiser
Affordable Ab Wheels
![]() | Smooth Fitness AB Wheel with Ergo Grip This lightweight and portable ab wheel has cushioned easy grip handles and two easy glide wheels for increased stability. Help strengthen your abs, arms, shoulders and back ... |
![]() | Duo Exercise Wheel Build sculpted abs and a powerful core. The Everlast Duo Exercise Wheel works your abs with a smooth comfortable action. |
![]() | Ironman Double Ab Wheel The Ironman Double Ab Wheel allows you to tone and strengthen your abs, arms and shoulders. Only $29.99 |
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Ha, I hear you! I have several pieced of equipment and I'm sure you know the answer to your question on them!
Looks easy, question is - would I keep it up?
Great post and information, thanks for sharing it. Inexpensive and worth using it for the good fitness.