We often argue amongst ourselves. Some are Democrats, others Republican and still others have taken shelter under a Libertarian banner. Some of us are pro-life. Others pro-choice.
What unites us though, is our firm agreement that we need to move towards smaller government and increased personal liberty.
We who choose Liberty don't buy into Happy Meal laws. We think people should be able to drown themselves in carbonated soft drinks if they so choose. We have NO problem with a man who wants to scream down the highway on his Harley with no helmet on.
We don't care who you sleep with or how many you sleep with. We're fairly convinced that you ought to be able to wipe your hind quarters with the American flag if you want to.
We're for a strong defense, but see no particular need to subsidize the defense of Europe. We hated Gaddafi, but still can't figure out how our constitution is served by helping to oust and ultimately kill him.
We mean it when we say we stand for liberty.
To us, the rest of you seem fixated on either controlling a man’s property or controlling his body.
We abhor both. The pox on both your houses.
Your comments are welcome