What most Facebook users buy - Facebook survey results

by BardofEly

Facebook is a very popular social networking site but what do its users mostly buy when shopping?

Results of a shopping survey at Facebook
I thought it might be interesting to do a little survey amongst friends at the social-networking site Facebook to find out what people are actually spending their money on.
In the ongoing world economic crisis many people are finding it difficult and have less money at their disposal. Many people are making pretty drastic cutbacks on what they are buying and going without.
People are forced to budget and think wisely about what they are buying, or so we are led to believe. But what things in life do a random group of people from all walks of life and various parts of the world find important enough to list as what they are buying?

Number One is Food

Food is top priority

If I was intending to go into business now or already had a shop, for obvious reasons, I would want to know what customers are likely to buy.

I posted a simple question on my status board at Facebook: "Research for a hub I will write: what do you all buy the most of and why?"

In some 12 hours or so I got a total of 18 responses with some surprising and maybe not so surprising results.

The most important item on most people's shopping list would appear to be food. A few people gave examples of foodstuffs they buy, including one who said bread and another five listed fruit and vegetables.

One person said jokingly that they would like to buy chocolate ice cream.

Dog and Cat food

Pet Food

On a far more serious note than that and as a subdivision of food, one person said they buy dog food and another two bought food for their cats. Buying food for my cat is very important and I only buy her the best so I could fully understand those who gave pet foods as items on their shopping lists.

So food is not surprisingly very important to the shoppers today. It is, after all, a necessity of life.

Clothes and Books

Clothes were also important and two people said they buy new ones to get ones that fit. This being very important with growing children.

Books were an important item to buy for two of the friends who responded. I would have listed books too, although I don't buy new ones if I am short of money.

Two people said they buy water, which of course is a necessity. Others preferred to buy not so healthy drinks. Two people listed wine as very important and another two went for beer on their daily shopping list.

Two people also said that cigarettes were a priority.

From a selection of just 18 answers there were quite a few results with only one person listing an item. The single results were for tea bags, milk, candles, incense, music, toilet paper, electricity, gas for the car, and pellets for the stove.

Food was clearly the most important item, followed closely by drink. Food was as important for people's pets as for themselves.

So according to this brief survey looking at what shoppers are buying the most of today, and for which I would like to thank all those who took part in it for their answers, it can be concluded that running a shop selling food or a restaurant is still a very good idea, and so is an off license!

Copyright © 2012 Steve Andrews. All Rights Reserved.

Updated: 10/17/2012, BardofEly
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