Which Blogging Platform Do You Use and Why?

by cmoneyspinner

Wordpress, Blogspot, Tumblr ... so many blogging platforms. Which one is the best? Decisions. Decisions. Why choose when you can use them all?

Which Blogging Platform Do You Use and Why? Feel like you're a contestant in a beauty pageant? Is there a question the judges can ask without that “and why” part being tacked on at the end?

Anyway … getting on topic. Been experimenting with multiple blogging platforms for a few years now. So far all the platforms out there are suitable for my purpose. What is that purpose? Finding a legitimate means of earning income and working at home, with minimal investment required to do so. In other words, my husband says if I can't show that this effort yields monetary benefits, he is not willing to donate any dinero to the cause.

FYI. Dinero was the currency used by Christian states in Spain beginning in the 11th century. That has no bearing on the information being presented by way of this Wizzley page. Just a random fact thrown in to mix things up a bit and keep the reader from becoming bored! :)


FoxNet2017 (formerly Express Yourself!)

My Tumblr Blog

As of June 2014, my blogs are published via four different platforms.  That's if you don't count my Tweets (@cmoneyspinner) as a micro-blog; and if you don't include other online writing communities where my writing is published that also use blogging platforms - such as Webnuggetz (see feed below).


Out of the four different blogging applications, the one that allows me the most freedom to experiment is my Tumblr blog. The primary benefit is being able to select a free template and then being permitted to customize so that it reflects ME!  My templates of choice?

Used the Storyware theme for a few years and just recently changed to the Effector Theme.  Storyware updated their version with features that were unfamiliar to me.  What I know about HTML coding is self-taught and I did not know enough to make some additional edits.  Consequently, I switched to another theme by Pixel Union and now my blog has a new look.


Another really cool thing about Tumblr is that it interfaces with my Wordpress blog.  Reblogging is encouraged. When it comes to diversity – the blogger / reading audience is truly diverse - teens to senior citizens, professionals, non-professionals, various countries and religions, well-known persons in the entertainment industry and independent artists, small businesses, major businesses, news and media, etc.


There are a few quirky things about the application, but whatever "technical difficulties" experienced during implementation and publication are written off as my inexperience and lack of knowledge.  The Tumblr Team has Support Staff or a Help Desk and they often assist me.  


UPDATE: As of September 2016

This Wizzley page was published June 21, 2014.  In two years, Tumblr was acquired twice.  First by YAHOO!  Then Verizon acquired core assets of YAHOO and Tumblr was included in the acquisition package.

* As of Sep 23, 2016, my account was terminated, with explanation.  While I accept the explanation received from Tumblr Support, had they given an answer or not, I don't make it a habit of arguing with folks who are letting me use their application free!  If you let me stay, I'm happy.  If you tell me to leave, I go in peace.  Don't know what the future holds now that they are under new management.  It was a fun platform while I was there.  In that two year period of time, I set up 5 different blogs (or microblogs) on Tumblr, experimented and learned a little about HTML coding and how to customize free templates, learned about affiliate marketing, Google AdSense and AdSense alternatives and various methods of blog monetization, learned of tools and resources that provide automated and/or scheduled posting to facilitate timely blog posting, and lots of other stuff useful for an online and home biz entrepreneur to know.  It was a great ride!



Riding Again on Tumblr

Heading into 2021 with a brand new Tumblr account!

As you can see on the previous sections above, my Tumblring got a little bit bumpy.  But towards the end of November, while the company was still in the process of changing owners, decided to give it another try.  Created a brand new Tumblr blog in 2017.  It was deleted.  Hey!  New owners.  In 2021, I created another Tumblr and called it Texas WIB-WAHHere we go again!  :)

Microblogging's Finest Hour ~ Tumblr versus Twitter

Twitter is known for being a microblogging tool that limits the tweeters to 140 characters per tweet.  One has no other choice but to put on their Shakespeare hat and makes the best of it!

At one time there was a "buzz" that Twitter was considering increasing the character limit from 140 to 10,000.  It was being taken seriously.  Had to be because it was talked about in the Wall Street Journal.

Heart Tumblr and Twitter

Don't know what was decided. All I do know is that it's August 2017 and my tweets are still 140 characters.

Actually ... when you think about it ...

Tumblr is already sort of doing what Twitter was/is thinking about doing.

Quite frankly I wish both platforms would not change a thing.

They perfectly complement/supplement each other.

I love them just the way they are.



Twitter and Tumblr Got Divorced!

When Elon Musk took over the Twitter social media platform, he abruptly pulled the plug on Tumblr.  Whereas it was simple to link out two accounts so that whenever you posted to Tumblr it also posted to Twitter, Elon Musk ... for whatever reason ... decided not to continue the relationship.

Book of humor. Great illustrations. Your favorite fairy-tale characters try to find their way in 21st-century America.

Alice in Tumblr-land: And Other Fairy Tales for a New Generation
Penguin Books
Only $14.99

If You Would Like to Contrast and Compare - Below Are Feeds to My Other Blogs

My Blog Stop!

Published using Blogspot, the official Google platform.
Planning a trip to China? Hoping to find hidden treasure from the ancient world? Students who compare civilizations in world history are aware that like the pharaohs o...
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Rummaging through some of my old content and material and found this two quotes. I heart "ALL THINGS TEXAS" (except the politicians). Published this post and tacked on...

Food Ways Presented by EES

Also published using Blogspot.
There's #FoodieFriday, #FollowFriday, #FriendlyFollow … whatever! It's the weekend!  Just pick a food and drink topic to share and run with it!  Connie...
When it comes to growing children, it's extremely important to choose drinks that support their health and development. Based on my research (and life experience), her...
Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao), is a board-certified anti-aging expert who asserts that there are 3 spices that promote longevity. That’s right. They can help you live longe...
If you are familiar with the 1904 novel by O. Henry, then you know it's not about collecting cabbage recipes for kings. 😊  It's just that in my high sch...

Joie de Vivre Magazine

A Blogspot experiment. Curating content.
One of my hobbies is collecting tidbits about Tolkien.  My first JDV blog post. "Bio Sketch of J. R. R. Tolkien, Author of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy", sh...
My late sister was an avid reader. She read anything and everything – books, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, dictionaries. My appreciation for the joys of readin...
Do you appreciate the value of history? Especially ancient history? There is a wonderful website called Ancient History Encyclopedia. The vision statement at their w...
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There's lots of platforms for you to experiment and explore!

Best Blogging Sites Comparison Guide


After you decide which platform, the next question to be answered is:

How often should you blog? The ultimate answer.
The Social Media Hat


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Been writing personally and professionally for years. Tried writing children's books. Family matters caused me to set aside this ambition. Published freelance writer since 2011.

Thanks for visiting!

Updated: 11/01/2024, cmoneyspinner
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Jo_Murphy on 12/01/2023


cmoneyspinner on 12/01/2023

@Jo_Murphy - I have heard that WordPress is the best to satisfy all of your needs - blogging, a store, etc. But I have never been that advanced. That's why, as of today, I only use Blogspot and try to monetize my content. Wish you success!

Jo_Murphy on 12/01/2023

Here is a trick question. I have WordPress. just the .org
When I think about having it hosted .com people seem to continually switch between calling it a website and a blog.
I went and checked out https://www.bluehost.com/wondersuite#...
My question is - do they mean that I will be provided with a website and a blog will run from that website? I am an artist and so basically I should also have a shop. Can I integrate an Amazon shop? I guess I just need to read and reaD UNTIL I GET IT ALL WORKED OUT

cmoneyspinner on 09/14/2017

@katiem2 ~ I know what you mean. I've deleted lots of my own stuff. Have also had my stuff deleted for being “naughty”. Not sure what I did. (O.o) Hey! I was newbie. I was learning. What people need to understand is that DELETION is not the same as DEATH. It's not all over. Salvage what you can and carry on!

katiem2 on 09/14/2017

New tumblr account https://katiem2.tumblr.com/ with no content. I deleted my old one, not sure why it was suspended, I had no violations BUT I had not been active for months and months. I did have invalid links from a site I shut down after 8 years of inactivity. Sometime I just have to know when to cut the dead weight. Thank you for your help, you are amazing and much appreciated.

cmoneyspinner on 03/27/2017

@katiem2 - Thanks for the compliment. I view Tumblr as a Twitter with a few more characters and images being allowed. It can be a lengthy blog, a micro-blog, or both. I just hope the platform stays afloat. Please share your Tumblr link when you get it running. I'll follow, like and reblog or share otherwise.

katiem2 on 03/26/2017

What a great resource, I have a tumblr account, haven't used it for years, I will definitely revisit it and put it to work for me. Great GREAT article!

cmoneyspinner on 07/10/2015

Cool! Thanks for stopping by @lindylou!

cmoneyspinner on 01/19/2015

@Digby_Adams - All of my blogs are under the umbrella of my home business projects. That's where they'll stay until the Internet shuts down or the world comes to and end. Whichever happens first. :) Thanks for stopping by. You'll given me an idea. (i)

Digby_Adams on 01/19/2015

I use wordpress on my own personal blogs. Then I use blogger and tublr as well.

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