Alter Ego a poem by Jennifer Jo Fay

by jfay1995

Alter Ego a poem by Jennifer Jo Fay. A poem about the other side of ourselves and what would happen if we let it take over. The side of ourselves that surprises people.

Alter Ego

Alter Ego

I woke up one morning

and looked into the mirror.

I wasn't sure what it was

but I don't think it was me.

As I studied her closely

I realized that

my alter ego had entered

my brain.

She was here to surprise me

and she surely did that.

I went through my day

and she controlled what I did.

My face must have

flushed three brilliant reds.

I felt embarrassed for what

my alter ego did.

My co workers were baffled,

astounded and amazed.

And after work,

I drove home,

but it wasn't me driving.

It was her.

My alter ego

ended up driving me to town,

and I got wasted and more so,

until I couldn't walk a straight line.

My alter ego

makes me do terrible things

and then I curse her

because I don't like

where she has led me.

How can I kill her?


Jennifer Jo Fay


Copyrighted February 4, 2012


We all tend to have an alter ego that is doing things that we wouldn't attempt to think about.  Alter egos tend to come out when we least expect them to.  We aren't aware of them.  And suddenly when we are thinking on the spur of the moment, our alter ego shows up.

She is everything that we are not.  It is the part of us that comes out to call once in a while and surprises us and our friends.  We aren't aware of what we are doing and then we think back and say, "Did I do that?  I can't believe that I just did that."

Sometimes we like our alter ego and thank him or her for showing up.  Maybe our alter ego opens doors for us and new opportunities show up in front of us because of our alter egos.  Great.

 Sometimes I really surprise myself and I know my alter ego has stepped in.  I suddenly can't believe I just did something.  Sometimes the spur of the moment really knows how to jump in and play.


Did you ever stop to wonder what your alter ego would rather look like?  Does she wish you could fit into that hot red dress that has been sitting in your closet.  Does she want to have a night on the town and act crazy and all kinds of insane things?  Does she have red hair or black?  When you really are a dirty brown or platinum blonde.

What sort of things do you find yourself doing when your alter ego kicks in?  Do you jump into the next moving car?  Do you pull a crazy stunt from the Footloose movie?  Do you climb a tree up to fifty feet high off the ground?  Do you go sky diving or bungee jumping?  Sign up for Survivor?

Do you say things you ordinarily wouldn't say?


Do you listen to your Alter Ego?

Prolific Poetry Chick
MY poetry blog where I daily write poetry

My picture of Dead Roses

Jennifer Jo Fay
Updated: 02/04/2012, jfay1995
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