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Newly Single, Now What?
Thanks for stopping by and commenting Marcia. I'm glad it worked out for you!
cgreen7090, on 10/23/2011
Tips to Have A Successful Etsy Shop
Great tips on selling on Etsy. I also have a shop there but I prefer buying at Etsy and selling at Dawanda (the corresponding European craft store). The dollar to Euro conversion is better that way :-)
marciag, on 10/23/2011
Work At Home Dads
That's a great idea and useful thoughts to ponder about if you're thinking of becoming a stay and work at home dad.
marciag, on 10/23/2011
Newly Single, Now What?
Great advice for those who have recently become singles. I've been through that when I first got divorced, so I know the feeling and I recognize that I did many things wrong. Luckily I'm again happily married now and that for 16 years.
marciag, on 10/23/2011
How to Support Your Husband Through a Season of Unemployment
Well right now I am unemployed (I like to say I'm self-employed, but my earnings don't really reflect that sadly), and I know it's tough. Your tips are spot on!
marciag, on 10/23/2011
Meaning Of Eye Colors
Hahah I might just have to change it then, lol. Didn't realize it's freaky, but now that you mention...
marciag, on 10/23/2011
Christmas Images - Free Christmas Clip Art
They're needed for sure this time of year. Thanks!
Holistic_Health, on 10/23/2011
Cee Lo Green - What Does Clo Green Sing?
@Digby_Adams Like I said in my article:
"The Voice will be returning in 2012 with the same 4 judges."
But yes, The Voice will have the same 4 people. Thanks for commenting ^.^
thranax, on 10/23/2011
Cee Lo Green - What Does Clo Green Sing?
I loved the show the Voice - and I usually don't like that sort of show. But I did enjoy every performance that Cee Lo put on. I'm curious what the second season of the Voice will be like. Will Cee Lo be back? I think what I liked most was that ...
Digby_Adams, on 10/22/2011
Meaning Of Eye Colors
I'm brown eyed but I'm an Aquarius. Maybe that's why my thinking is muddy? :)
Holistic_Health, on 10/22/2011
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
I agree, Clara and Yes, I love the quote, too! Thanks for sharing! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/22/2011
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
The good thing about aging is that it brings clarity about what's really important. Love the Robert Louis Stevenson quote.
Holistic_Health, on 10/22/2011
Mouthwatering and Authentic New York Cheesecake and Recipe
It wasn't till I left NY that I realized all cheesecake is not the same. If you ever visit, Juniors is definitely the place to visit for real NY cheesecake.
Holistic_Health, on 10/22/2011
Earning Money Online - How's it going?
@lakeerieartists. You mean that age of the article affects the quality of the traffic so it starts to convert better at Amazon? (I didn't compare traffic so I'm a bit confused.)
Ha! I don't think I can even match Halloween for Christmas. That ...
TerriRexson, on 10/22/2011
Earning Money Online - How's it going?
I think that age of article affects the traffic. I find that my older articles in general do better than they did when they were younger. I do not have any studies on this though.
So to really compare, I would have to write two similar ...
lakeerieartists, on 10/22/2011