Latest comments
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
John, you, Sir, have quite a wonderful vocabulary! :) And thank you for sharing my meanderings with me. I, too, am thankful that God is available to help iron out my imperfections and to forgive me when my imperfections get the best of me. :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/20/2011
Earning Money Online - How's it going?
how do you find your wizzley earnings.
cgreen7090, on 10/19/2011
10 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing May Not Be Right For You
Very honest appraisal. Too many people think it's an easy thing to do.
Holistic_Health, on 10/19/2011
How to Set Up a Link Wheel
Good question, John! SEO experts generally recommend using unique content on every page you create. So, a unique article on your site, a unique article (or a re-write, occasionally) for your link wheel's first page, and a unique article for the ...
mhoppal, on 10/19/2011
Strumming the Autoharp
This brought back good memories of my mother playing her autoharp a number of years ago. For awhile she was going to autoharp workshops and taking it along to "sing-a-longs" at her church. I'm not sure why she stopped playing it. I think ...
kajohu, on 10/19/2011
How To Do Meditation At Home
My mind is like a blender - constantly in motion. Definitely need to meditate more. Great info!
Holistic_Health, on 10/19/2011
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
Thank you, Drenda...this was based on our pastor's sermons for the last couple of weeks...they have really been excellent!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/19/2011
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
Enjoyed reading this article. It is so good but all your articles are good. Think you are getting better. There is a lot of things to make you stop and think in this artlcle.GOOD JOB!!
Drenda Whittiker, on 10/19/2011
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
Thank you, Patsy...I will...
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/19/2011
An Extraordinary Friend
Hamshi, thank you so much for your kind words. Jane was a special person and she was happy with her life. She loved people and loved her Lord and I am so pleased that she chose me as her friend.
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/19/2011
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
I love your writings. You have a true God-given talent and God is using you to convey his message.
Keep on writing!
Patsy Bowie, on 10/19/2011
coconut wine
you are soooo bad :) wish I had been there next to you!
barbarab, on 10/19/2011
Home made Organic Pineapple wine
I have never even considered pineapple wine! What joy! I am going to be brave and try it...hey, just a little sugar fruit and yeast right? Not that expensive. Very good article!
barbarab, on 10/19/2011
Have You Forgotten Your Macrame Knots?
My daughter in law said the granddaughter loved it! :)
barbarab, on 10/19/2011
Have You Forgotten Your Macrame Knots?
Reminds me of my secondary school days ah me and my friends use to be so addicted to these stuff...Its time to try them again I guess..Thank you for creating this page.
hamshi5433, on 10/19/2011