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Meaning Of Eye Colors
My eyes are blue blue, no hidden colors. However, my husband has brown eyes with a green circle around the pupil.
lakeerieartists, on 10/20/2011
Tipping Hairdressers - What Is The Proper Tipping Etiquette?
I think I've never given more than $20 as tips either, to be honest. Usually if I need something more serious done to my hair that costs me above $100, I do draw the line at around this amount as well. Heck I know somebody who always gives $5 no ...
marciag, on 10/20/2011
Tipping Hairdressers - What Is The Proper Tipping Etiquette?
I've often wondered what is customary procedure when tipping my hairdressers. After reading your excellent guide I'm relieved to find that I seem to have gotten it right, more or less. When I do need "the works" it is a major expense for me ...
nightowl, on 10/20/2011
Rise of the Onlies
I will be interested to see what she finds out about only children. My niece is an only child by situation and my sister always feels guilty she does not have a sibling, but she is strong and independent. Besides she gets tons of attentions ...
emeraldmile, on 10/20/2011
Newly Single, Now What?
Thank you for commenting and reading. It is good therapy to share with someone. Blessings to you. Just be as supportive as you can.
cgreen7090, on 10/20/2011
How to Create Word Clouds Online
I really did not know much about word clouds before this article. I will have to check wordle out.
emeraldmile, on 10/20/2011
The Art Of Buying Antiques
I always think it helps to treat everyone with respect whether it is some one behind an antique counter or the kid next door. I have think this page helps people learn the art of buying antiques. I know it helped me.
emeraldmile, on 10/20/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
I'm not sure I could ever you use the toilet mug. I don't like to associate my drinks with the bathroom. I have a few mugs that I have been given as gifts. I like the their individual looks.
emeraldmile, on 10/20/2011
The Best Kermit The Frog Coffee Mug
My favorite Kermit coffee mug is the blue ceramic. It's adorable and I love the blue and green color combination.
emeraldmile, on 10/20/2011
Adding The Wizzley Widget To A Wordpress Blog
This tutorial is mainly for adding the wizzley widget within the post. Actually to add it on the sidebar is much easier. Try it, just copy the actual widget code, go to the Widgets in your Wordpress Dashboard, add a new text widget and paste it ...
marciag, on 10/20/2011
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
Thank you, Michey! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/20/2011
Adding The Wizzley Widget To A Wordpress Blog
I love this! Thank you so much... I'm not at all good with this kind of thing and your tutorial is excellent. I DO need all these step by step pictures. I've tried to add a wizzley to my sidebar at WP (I think) and it didn't work - should it ...
dustytoes, on 10/20/2011
Earning Money Online - How's it going?
Congrats on your success! I hope it keeps doubling for you for a long time - That would be sweet! Thank you for sharing your information to encourage us.
dustytoes, on 10/20/2011
Does Your Vine Bear Fruit?
Hi! I like that you take time to answer to all of your readers, it is a considering, so even though I am in a type-strike today... LOL I want to point one more time your beautiful writing and manners as well.
All the best
Michey, on 10/20/2011
Tipping Hairdressers - What Is The Proper Tipping Etiquette?
Hehe my mom does that too, she cuts everyone's hair at home. When I go to visit her (she lives in another country), I let her cut my hair as well. Nothing fancy, just trimming, which saves me some bucks from the hairdressers too. Thanks for your ...
marciag, on 10/20/2011