Latest comments

Did You Walk or Cycle across Skinny Bridge when in Amsterdam?
We would love to visit Amsterdam - thank you for the ability to view the beautiful photos. It sounds like you are living such a wonderful life, following your passions and traveling about...if only our RV could float across the oceans, so we ...
Guest, on 08/26/2011
Jump Rope Songs
What a great walk down memory lane! My memories of jump roping are picturing me hunched over, as the twirlers kept hitting me in the head with the rope. Why? Because I was super-tall (still am) as a child, and the other girls were much ...
Guest, on 08/26/2011
Flat Stanley comes to visit!
When my daughter was young (she's almost 17 now!) we had so much fun with her Flat Stanley. She had family scattered all over the USA, and though poor Stanley got a little beat up between mailboxes, she loved seeing him travel to all of her ...
Guest, on 08/26/2011
Moose Hat Or Moose Slippers - Which Is Manlier?
I love this page - and even more, I love trying to envision where on earth this page idea came from (which part of the brain). It is hilarious, from start to unique! Loved to get Jim some moose gear...will ...
Guest, on 08/26/2011
Writing Quality Articles on Wizzley (and beyond)
This was great information for a newbie like me. So far I'm loving what I see on Wizzley, and the supportive community as well!
Guest, on 08/26/2011
Glamping - Luxury Camping
Paul, If you provide air fare, we will give glamping a try!! :) These actually sound like fabulous places to see...thanks for sharing...
Guest, on 08/26/2011
Father Of The Bride
You are under no illusions as to how beautiful your daughter is in toto on her special day! A proud Dad for sure - a lovely article, so appropriate that you've penned. Thanks for sharing!
Michelle Ferreira, on 08/26/2011
Tanzanite Gemstones | Tanzanite Jewelry | Tanzanite
These are lovely, ohcaroline!
sheilamarie, on 08/26/2011
Radio Flyer Toys-An American Success Story
Yes, we had a lot of fun. I remember a wagon we played with as kids.
sheilamarie, on 08/26/2011
Flat Stanley comes to visit!
I remember when Flat Stanley went from our house to visit our grandmother in Medicine Hat, Alberta. She showed him a good time.
sheilamarie, on 08/26/2011
Spirit Photography
I have always been fascinated by "spirit" photography. In fact, I even own a photograph which appears to show an angel in the background. While I will agree, most of these are likely a hoax, I do think there is some truth to the possibility of ...
petunia, on 08/26/2011
Top 5 Reasons To Join Xobba - The Best Amazon and Adsense Revenue Sharing Site
Well, I did peek at the contest page before I commented, so that rules me out of the contest with you. But I am off to join Xobba! I have not been active at Hubpages in a while, but I recognize Sunforged - and I do believe that these sites ...
petunia, on 08/26/2011
Is It SquidRich or Waxing-Lyrical?
It is so nice that you seem so happy and have found something you truly enjoy doing. I have not read your article yet on Squidoo about living with leukemia, but plan to soon. I can't even imagine how difficult that must be. It sounds like you ...
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/26/2011
How To Lose One Pound
Thanks for the comments. I really think the key is no drama and sticking with it, which is why a sensible and slow plan will win in the long run.
landocheese, on 08/25/2011
Spirit Photography
This is very interesting information about spirit photography. I've thought the idea of real spirit photography was intriguing, but figured it was probably a hoax.
kajohu, on 08/25/2011

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