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Invasion of the Groundhogs
Well, those babies are cute. Love the photos with your cats! I wouldn't want them that close to my house though!
PeggyHazelwood, on 08/25/2011
Global Warming Bake Sale
What a wonderful idea! The children at the summer camp where I work made solar ovens this summer from cardboard boxes and aluminum foil. I am sure they would work fine for baking Lumberjack Cookies.
evelynsaenz, on 08/25/2011
Have a Lucy Theme Party, 50s era dress, music and fun for all ages!
There were a lot of hilarious episodes...there's one where Ethel and Lucy are making cakes in a factory...
traveller27, on 08/25/2011
Dump Cake Recipe
you had me at the pic of the baby and yourself..pinch that little head for me...but have to admit I love this stuff (the dump cake) so much hubby and I had to take a holiday from was starting to show lol literally!!! but hey, its been ...
barbarab, on 08/25/2011
Cornbread Recipe for Anyone Who is Afraid of Heights!
thank you nightbear...wonder why they only remember the batches that caused near death experiences??????? kids today ain't got no sense of adventure!!!!!
barbarab, on 08/25/2011
Golf "Fore" Ever - Tribute to Roly Brault, Former Golf Pro & Course Designer
Thanks for this interesting article. Great to learn about the history of golf, the golfers and course designers we should remember.
ImagineMDD, on 08/25/2011
Nicholas de Grandmaison
A message to Brian & Pam LeClair I too have one of the original prints of "Starlight". Seems to have been a limited production as (until your post) hadn't come across any mention of this ...
Diana Joyce, on 08/25/2011
Focaccia Bread Recipe - The Real Thing!
I don't know about Easy, but it sure looks gorgeous and yummy. The videos really did help. Beautiful!
nightbear, on 08/25/2011
Cornbread Recipe for Anyone Who is Afraid of Heights!
I always love your humor, and I think your kids would be lucky to get this cornbread.
nightbear, on 08/25/2011
Why I bought a Sony A390 DSLR Camera rather than a Canon or a Nikon
I'm partial to Sony myself..The Mavia was a great start.
Guest, on 08/25/2011
How UK Writers Can Make Money Writing Articles
Great resource, Nicki. I will have to keep these in mind for future use :)
SquidRich, on 08/25/2011
How to Use Paper and Decoupage to Decorate a Clipboard
Wonderfully creative!
SquidRich, on 08/25/2011
How to Sell an eBook
Yes we have a lot of tools and a lot of new way we have to embrace for driving traffic and make it viral which is the ideal situation.
Michey, on 08/25/2011
Origins of Italian
I have a strong interest in language, although I've never tried Italian. Spanish and French have been my areas of study. This is a very useful resource for potential Italian speakers.
SquidRich, on 08/25/2011
Captain America Costumes
I'm sure a lot of kids will be picking a Captain America costume for Halloween!
SquidRich, on 08/25/2011

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