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Glamping - Luxury Camping
Definitely an option for us. The kids would love it and yes, we do rather like our home comforts too!
TerriRexson, on 07/10/2011
Pirate Ship Cake
Shame you're not closer Paul, there's still some left!
TerriRexson, on 07/10/2011
The Kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard
Very moving story which we have certainly been following here in the UK
pkmcr, on 07/10/2011
Most Beautiful Christmas Tree Ornaments
Delightful selection and very nicely presented and explained
pkmcr, on 07/10/2011
Pirate Ship Cake
That looks absolutely fantastic and is going to be loved by the kids (and oen or two adults too!)
pkmcr, on 07/10/2011
Vibram FiveFingers - Barefoot Running Shoes
I have to admit I had never seen these before, but it seems so logical and more in tune with the way our feet are made!
petunia, on 07/10/2011
Keeping Food Cold
Pre-cooling the cooler makes sense but I doubt I have ever done it!
petunia, on 07/10/2011
Nancy Wake
What a great look into history that is mostly unknown to the world. Thanks for sharing it.
ohcaroline, on 07/10/2011
South Carolina State Dance - The Shag
I really hadn't heard of the Shag before, but I enjoyed watching the videos. It would be fun to try!
kajohu, on 07/10/2011
Summer Activities For Kids At Home
Bananagrams is one of the best new games available for sure! I enjoyed your list and we will have a huge pillow fight the next time the grands spend the night!
petunia, on 07/10/2011
Funny Health Issues That Make You Want to Say, "Duh"
# 5 for sure! I really seriously believe in that mind body connection. Sometimes we create illness. These days it does seem people rush to the doctor with every possible symptom. We want to live perfect lives.
petunia, on 07/10/2011
Glamping - Luxury Camping
Oh yes! I like the Glamping idea!
petunia, on 07/10/2011
The Kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard
I certainly will watch the Jaycee Dugard interview! I am looking forward to that and Jaycee's book. She is definitely a survivor!
petunia, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
One of the few things in my house that is organized is my coffee mug shelf. About 5 years ago, the kitchen was remodeled and I discarded my entire collection of mugs. I kept only my very favorites. But I sure do like that 2 Carat Cup!
petunia, on 07/10/2011
Unmotivational Posters to Make You Chuckle
I like the big brother "helping' the little brother with his tooth! These posters all gave me a good laugh this morning.
kajohu, on 07/10/2011

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