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Cute Yorkie Pictures and Yorkshire Terrier Art
I loved your pictures. Right now we have chihuahuas. A friend is living with us that has schnauzers. I think Yorkies are so cute and yours is adorable. I know what you mean about them being fearless. I watched my chihuahuas chase a pitbull ...
GrandmaMarilyn, on 07/31/2011
Fire Destroys Susan52's Home
She is in my thoughts and prayers and I have been keeping up on Facebook with you. So sad...
Jewelsofawe, on 07/31/2011
Fire Destroys Susan52's Home
Very much in my thoughts and prayers
pkmcr, on 07/31/2011
SEO Ranking Part 1
Can be, even though honesty is hard to measure and it is subjective. I really cannot imagine 300 parameters... and I am almost sure that more then 1 or 2 have a subjective nuance attached to them. But it is hard to make humans act like robots ...
Michey, on 07/31/2011
Christmas iPhone Cases
I have an iPhone case, but if I had to choose another it would be smiling Christmas reindeer
mivvy, on 07/31/2011
Michey's Wizzography
@Dianne Thank you Dianne. It is a hard balance to keep between my love and duty for a great Mother and work I cannot stop as we live on it. But I assure you that I strive to do my best. Thanks for stopping by and reading.
Michey, on 07/31/2011
Fire Destroys Susan52's Home
That was a terrifying news which was coming with a powerful blow, I was shocked! I hope all our prayers, friendship, attention will help the family. I hope the normality will come soon, and I am glad all of them in the family are alive. Susan ...
Michey, on 07/31/2011
Fire Destroys Susan52's Home
That was a terrifying news which was coming with a powerful blow, I was shocked! I hope all our prayers, friendship, attention will help the family. I hope the normality will come soon, and I am glad all of them in the family are alive. Susan ...
Michey, on 07/31/2011
Michey's Wizzography
Hi Michey, I feel like I know you a little better now. It's wonderful that you take such good care of your Mom. Sounds like you each are a blessing to the other.
Dianne, on 07/31/2011
Christmas iPhone Cases
I think the scrawny Christmas tree is my favorite. It looks like it needs love!
mandeesears, on 07/31/2011
SEO Ranking Part 1
@antjecobbett , great comment. We will never know all 300 parameters, but not all of the have equal power, so if we work hard on the first 10 - 15 of them in order of importance it will be enough to be in a good shape. I am always against ...
Michey, on 07/31/2011
SEO Ranking Part 1
@ohcaroline, yes, bit by bit approach is correct as SEO is huge and the changes in Ranking algorithm can affect SEO as well. I was so frustrated a couple of times when I was sure that I rich the point in which I was efficient for one technique ...
Michey, on 07/31/2011
Fire Destroys Susan52's Home
I read about this at Squidoo yesterday and visited some of her lenses- she has some great ones-, but I'm glad to see that you have listed other ways we can help. Thank you for the info Joan! My prayers for strength and peace to Susan.
dustytoes, on 07/31/2011
Christmas iPhone Cases
I don't have an iPhone yet. I kind of like the scrawny Christmas tree one. Sort of a country style.
ohcaroline, on 07/31/2011
SEO Ranking Part 1
This is so useful Michey, I'm trying to learn this SEO stuff...bit by bit. Hoping to improve in time. Thanks for this information.
ohcaroline, on 07/31/2011

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