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Jaguars The Big Cats Of The Americas
I've always loved cats -- housecats as well as the big cats. Love, love, love the Jaguar!
Jimmie, on 07/28/2011
The Best Gadgets are the Ones You Actually Use
I don't understand the Kandle. Does it clip onto the Kindle? I used mine a lot abroad, but now that we're back in USA and have such access to English books, I've not used it as much. But I do love loading free ebooks onto it to read. It's much ...
Jimmie, on 07/28/2011
Backermann's Bakery in Whiteville, Tennessee
I have been a fan of this type of cooking/baking for a long time. What a wonderful review of this establishment. Isn't it fun to share something you love!
mandeesears, on 07/28/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Sheila, like everything in life, in every action, in every great tool we use, there are good and bad attached to it. But, we have to look at the statistical results to see where the balance is, and put us in the positive part, fight for it, do ...
Michey, on 07/28/2011
Anything can be used for speech therapy
ps...does singing words help any? I would think the added dimension of music to words would be useful.
ohcaroline, on 07/28/2011
Anything can be used for speech therapy
Nice to see you branching out to Zazzle with your message! You go Girl!
ohcaroline, on 07/28/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Interesting discussion. I agree with the comment that we need to be responsible with this new power of communication. We also need to refrain from not having it just be a distraction. Ah, like so many other things in life. Amazing stories, ...
sheilamarie, on 07/28/2011
5 Top Illustrated Books For Children
Harold and Mike are regulars at my house! Great list!
tandemonimom, on 07/28/2011
Jaguars The Big Cats Of The Americas
I am interested in all of the big cats, but jaguars are still a very big mystery to me. Really interesting.
lakeerieartists, on 07/28/2011
Shoes | A Best Picture Book Review
This is lovely.I wish I had known about these book when my children were young. I'll keep it in mind for when my grandchild is old enough.
mivvy, on 07/28/2011
Shoes | A Best Picture Book Review
I missed this one, too! Your reviews of wonderful children's books always introduces me to one I wish I had read to the grands. Shoes sounds like super fun!
petunia, on 07/28/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
Very interesting story.
nickupton, on 07/28/2011
Shoes | A Best Picture Book Review
Sounds like the best kind of book, Carma!
MugTreasuresByBrenda, on 07/27/2011
Glamping - Luxury Camping
I like camping on high elevation maintains, so glamping is out of question, but for camping on the ocean shore it is OK with me. Great info post
Michey, on 07/27/2011
Rhythm in Poems
I use different forms, sometimes iambic pentameter, sometimes free verse, sometimes quatrains--it just depends on what form the subject takes.
MaxReily, on 07/27/2011

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