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The Great Arizona Haboob of 2011
That looks very frightening. I wouldn't want to get caught outside in one of those haboobs...!
dustytoes, on 07/27/2011
Get your passport to Florida State Parks
I've been to Florida twice, both times visiting friends in Ft. Lauderdale. I'd like to go back and explore a state park or two, definitely with the help of a passport. :)
chefkeem, on 07/27/2011
Shady Hollow Austin
Very nice article on Shady Hollow....and so close to some great tex-mex eateries.
ohcaroline, on 07/27/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
I can't think of any other bad words...but I do like to know where a person resides in their bio. It helps me understand who they are when I am reading their articles.
For example: Texas, USA, Canada, UK, Southern France.
ohcaroline, on 07/27/2011
7 Deadly Sins Of TV Ads And How To Avoid Them As Online Marketer
This is great advice for the online marketer. I am going to re-think my articles with this advice.
ohcaroline, on 07/27/2011
Attracting Ulysses Butterfly to your Garden
Great photos and you have given me some ideas of what to do with my butterfly photos.
nickupton, on 07/27/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
Great story about your success on zazzle.
emeraldmile, on 07/27/2011
Silly Things That Make Me Happy
Whipped cream with sprinkles, lovely, even better still chocolate sprinkles
mivvy, on 07/27/2011
Three Things Tabatha Coffey Can Teach You About Making Money Online
I love this article. It is very well written. I've seen Tabatha Coffey on tv and she does share some great advice on running a business.
emeraldmile, on 07/27/2011
7 Deadly Sins Of TV Ads And How To Avoid Them As Online Marketer
I love the 7 deadly sins for tv commercials that you shared. Unfortunately, they work on some people or else companies wouldn't spend so much on advertising on tv. Your advice is great, and I will keep it in mind as I write more articles.
emeraldmile, on 07/27/2011
3 Ways to Add Some Fun When Cooking with Children
Since cooking and baking are some of my favorite things to do, I like to make it fun and make memories with my kids so that they too will learn to enjoy food and what they can do with it.
MelanieB, on 07/27/2011
Where To Sell Your Books Online For Cash
You have truly said that the unused books should be sold so that can make money or the another option is also very good that these should be donated to any one who can make use of these.
sell textbooks , on 07/27/2011
7 Deadly Sins Of TV Ads And How To Avoid Them As Online Marketer
Great advice and that commercial was hysterical!
bev-owens, on 07/27/2011
Bettas - Great Pets For Small Kids
These are very interesting aquariums.
ohcaroline, on 07/27/2011
Kumon Math Review
I've never heard of Kumon before this article. It's good to know.
ohcaroline, on 07/27/2011