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berqa, behind the burqa, behind the berker or veil
important topic
reasonablerobinson, on 06/28/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
This is a great Wizley. Fun to read the simple truth about a friend. Much Love.
KateLoving, on 06/27/2011
Burzynski, The Movie
Hi SheilaMarie-Thank you for reading! I recommend watching the movie. It is a chilling representation of our health care system.
KateLoving, on 06/27/2011
Apple iPad as An eBook Reader
I would use the iPad as an ebook reader as well as much much more. I have Kindle downloaded on my iPhone and I love it!!
KateLoving, on 06/27/2011
Beginning Polymer Clay
Oh, SO cute! I love the first dragon, the green one all curled up. WISH I could give that one to my daughter, she would FLIP!
tandemonimom, on 06/27/2011
One Duck Stuck | A Best Picture Book Review
Another one to go in the basket I'm making up for my soon-to-be-new-mother friend! Keep 'em coming Carma! Ditto on the grandchildren Susan!
Dianne, on 06/27/2011
How to Use Paper and Decoupage to Decorate a Clipboard
Super idea. I've decoupaged other similar items, but never thought of clipboards. This is really neat.
puzzlemaker, on 06/27/2011
Wordpress Help
Bolillie, for membership sites there are plug-ins, or scripts, if the time permits I'll create a post about it Regards
Michey, on 06/27/2011
One Duck Stuck | A Best Picture Book Review
Oh, cute! Another great book that I haven't seen. Grandchildren. I need grandchildren!
Susan52, on 06/27/2011
Help! My Child is Easily Distracted
Very interesting issue! I love your advice to get the child's input as to what is distracting and how to manage it.
tandemonimom, on 06/27/2011
Why do we still have faith schools in the UK?
I had no idea this system prevailed in the UK nor that there were publicly funded faith schools. Interesting dilemma but as a homeschooler I have little advice for you.
tandemonimom, on 06/27/2011
Setting Up a Wordpress Niche Website to Sell Zazzle Products (and Related Products)
Thanks for this info. Perfect timing for newbies to Wordpress.
ImagineMDD, on 06/27/2011
Magic of King Tutankhamun
Hi! Nice to see you at Wizzley, welcome. I love the post, the history, and, yes, the magic of the tombs in Valley of the Kings which always fascinated me. Reagrds
Michey, on 06/27/2011
Wordpress Help
They are, especially the first one I commented is awesome... Thank for reading my post
Michey, on 06/27/2011
Wordpress Help
These wordpress books sound like great resources, Michey!
petunia, on 06/27/2011

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