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Aging Gracefully
wow i treally enjoyed the treasurefull....bravomisimo
rita a esposito, on 07/26/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Antje, you are amazing "playing the guitar under a bridge" is funny but not for a UNIX educated person. I programed in Java some point in my long life, so I really respect UNIX people for the reasons you already know... So, I am happy so far ...
Michey, on 07/26/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Well said and I totally agree!
mandeesears, on 07/26/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Good morning, I am late today, but I love the conversation we start here. Joan and Mandee you are 100% right, the words have power, and the responsibilities must be in our mind when we write. In the example I choose (Rathergate scandal) it is ...
Michey, on 07/26/2011
Bettas - Great Pets For Small Kids
To begin with I did not know what bettas were, so your title was intriguing for me. When our neighbours moved they gave us their goldfish. We thought this would be educational for our daughter (then 5 now adult) The first thing she asked was: ...
mivvy, on 07/26/2011
The Best Gadgets are the Ones You Actually Use
I love your title. I have quite few I don't use, or keep telling myself: I will start using it next week (and of course never do). Should have thought about that before buying them.
mivvy, on 07/26/2011
Care Bears Birthday Party
Oh this was so much fun! Brought back memories of my girls who loved the original Care Bears back in the 1980s. Wouldn't it be a hoot to throw a Care Bears party for my soon to be 34 year old? I think she would love it!
bev-owens, on 07/26/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
I loved the examples of the power of communication. As the others, I have no idea where I would be with the internet but it would not be pretty. This article demonstrates that with the power comes responsibility for our words that are out there. ...
mandeesears, on 07/26/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
I can't imagine where I would be without the internet. I would have found other things to do...but there would be big gaping holes in my personal development without it. I really liked this article.
ohcaroline, on 07/26/2011
How to Make Eggnog with a Dutch Twist
Dianne, You are right advocaat looks like custard, same smooth texture but the taste is much better (Maybe because of the alcohol?)
mivvy, on 07/26/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Very interesting to read. I did not know much of the background of social media, now I do.
mivvy, on 07/26/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Once again you have shared very useful information.
BarbRad, on 07/26/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
I think those of us who are writing on line almost every day sometimes forget the power of our words. We take for granted the miracle of this new form of communication and writing. Excellent post, Michey, and a great reminder for us all! We ...
petunia, on 07/26/2011
Summer Activities: Start a Community Garden
This is my first year in a community garden and I am enjoying it very much. They are certainly growing in popularity and that will not change if food prices keep going up.
landocheese, on 07/25/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Thanks, coming from such a good writer as you.. I'll take it as a compliment...
Michey, on 07/25/2011

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