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Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
Wow, such great mug stories. Thanks to everyone for sharing. Barb I can really understand your need to keep the mug Jason gave you safe. Mary Beth, I've NEVER heard of HOT Doctor Pepper, with or without a slice of lemon!
MugTreasuresByBrenda, on 07/10/2011
The Best New Our Name Is Mud Coffee Mugs
These are great mugs! I'd never heard of Our Name is Mud mugs but I love them. I can't choose a favorite!
Dianne, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
I alternate between three favorite mugs. I prefer the thinner one for my tea, and I don't drink coffee. I also have mentally assigned certain mugs to certain people, and mugs so assigned have a lot of sentimental value. Mugs given to us by our ...
BarbRad, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
We started collecting mugs as travel souvenirs and then people started giving us mugs. We have WAY too many. I mostly use my favorite china mug which is white with pink and blue trim. It has a mama and baby bunny on the outside and a baby ...
Dianne, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
I'm a sort-of accidental collector. I have the set that came with my dishes, and others just accumulate, BUT I do clean them out regularly!
tandemonimom, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
We have a wide variety of coffee mugs from out travels. My husband drinks coffee in his but I prefer hot Dr.Pepper (with a slice of lemon).
mbgphoto, on 07/10/2011
Funny Health Issues That Make You Want to Say, "Duh"
Wisdom for the ages!
tandemonimom, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
I agree, Michey, that sunflowers mug is very cheerful. I use one of a very few mugs every day, I should change my choice more often. I have travelled but never thought to collect coffee mugs as a souvenir although I do LOVE souvenirs that are ...
MugTreasuresByBrenda, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
First I am a heavy coffee drinker, so no wander I like mugs... without my morning coffee mug... I feel like... my brain is not functioning... LOL Second I love to travel, so usually I buy a mug as souvenir, and I enjoy changing my coffee mug ...
Michey, on 07/10/2011
Things to Do on Seabrook Island
This looks like my kind of place! Wildlife and nature trails...what could be better than that?
theherbivorehippie, on 07/10/2011
Vibram FiveFingers - Barefoot Running Shoes
You are absolutely right!
theherbivorehippie, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
Tssfacts, bet you had some low moments when your mugs were broken.
MugTreasuresByBrenda, on 07/10/2011
Who Collects Coffee Mugs?
Petunia, that sounds 'cleansing.' You probably only ever used your favorites anyway. We have a one in one out rule, which we follow most of the time.
MugTreasuresByBrenda, on 07/10/2011
Samsung Galaxy S2: A Review of My New Smartphone
I like the Samsung products and have been using one of their 'phones for a little while now. I have always been impressed by the quality of the pictures and as you have shown with those amazing photographs they really are wonderful
pkmcr, on 07/10/2011
Unmotivational Posters to Make You Chuckle
Made me laugh! The "meetings" one - hmmm that looked like a late Friday afternoon meeting :-)
pkmcr, on 07/10/2011

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