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Jennywrites Who is she?
Thanks for the invite xoxo
SAHMiAM, on 07/19/2011
How Long Will It Take Me to Make Money on Wizzley?
Excellent. "Nuf said. :D
mandeesears, on 07/19/2011
How to become a great public speaker
Hi, Sheilamarie.
Thanks for your comment.
There are ways in which we can built up a good 'oral vocabulary.' Most people have a fairly limited one as compared with their knowledge of the meaning of the words they can understand when ...
TomWare, on 07/19/2011
The Great Arizona Haboob of 2011
You know it must have been a man that invented that word. HaBooB! They can't keep boobs off their minds!
anonymous, on 07/19/2011
Don't You Love Bright Yellow Sunflowers?
I love it with they reach giant size. Always brings smile to my face. The seeds don't taste too bad either :)
Holistic_Health, on 07/19/2011
Best Wordless Book Authors: Barbara Lehman
Some of the best stories are told without worlds. Thank you!
Holistic_Health, on 07/19/2011
Alex, The Cat Without A Tail
Thanks everyone, she really is a cute cat! I wondered if the lack of a tail would affect her balance, but it's never seemed to bother her!
MaxReily, on 07/19/2011
How to Sell an eBook
Looks like I've got lots to learn, and lots to thank you for!
puerdycat, on 07/19/2011
Rhythm in Poems
Love poetry. Enjoy playwright David Mamet, living example of successful use of iambic pentameter.
puerdycat, on 07/19/2011
Jump Rope Songs
Great to find your jump-rope memories here. Mine, too, are clear as a bell!
puerdycat, on 07/19/2011
Quick and Easy Summer Recipes
Summer is all about eating IMO. Thanks for the quick and easy recipes.
Holistic_Health, on 07/19/2011
Gorgeous Roasted Garlic Recipe
I've always wondered how to use those little clay pots. Thanks for the tutorial.
Holistic_Health, on 07/19/2011
Kiwi Cake
Had not idea you use kiwi in a cake. Looks scrumptious.
Holistic_Health, on 07/19/2011
Skateboards for Girls
This is a great idea. So often when boys dominate a sport, the gear is done in a way that doesn't make girls want to attempt it. Cool!
Holistic_Health, on 07/19/2011
Google Social Networking
Hi! This is fantastic... you all are really engage in the conversation...
Sure, it is new, and nobody know everything, not even Google as they still work on it... being in beta.
But being in from the beginning will pay in time even though it ...
Michey, on 07/19/2011