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Will Paper Towels with Homilies Lead to Self Awareness Toilet Tissues? A Slippery Porcelain Slope
Printing a few of these out for my own throne room.
Holistic_Health, on 07/18/2011
Learn How to Read Chinese and Have Fun Too
Nice tutorial. I traveled in Korea and it's not like Europe where you can sorta figure stuff out. You either know it or you don't.
Holistic_Health, on 07/18/2011
7 Ways To Save Money On School Supplies
So glad my formal school days are behind me. I watch friends spends thousands of dollars at the start of each school year.
Holistic_Health, on 07/18/2011
Epiphanies, Take Em or Leave Em
Funny stuff, but true. Nothing like getting some insight into yourself.
Holistic_Health, on 07/18/2011
Learn How to Read Chinese and Have Fun Too
Very cool. I was talking to a Chinese colleague and friend today, like me she has a four year old son. Her son is bilingual. I'd love for my kids to learn Chinese. I've been planning to improve my language own skills, Chinese would be ...
TerriRexson, on 07/18/2011
Cake Pop Recipes | Sweets Table at Wedding
Wow, these look like lots of fun to make and easy for kids to eat. Love all the photos!
PeggyHazelwood, on 07/18/2011
Flat Stanley comes to visit!
I have not had the pleasure of hosting Mr. Flat Stanley but have read the story to my grandkids. He's quite the guy. It sounds like you and he had a great time.
PeggyHazelwood, on 07/18/2011
Flower Magnets on Zazzle
Lovely images. So nice to display as magnets! Useful and pretty.
PeggyHazelwood, on 07/18/2011
Epiphanies, Take Em or Leave Em
You're right...epiphanies are straaange. They help you realize how stupid you were, or are, or will be. However, your peace of mind increases along the way.
chefkeem, on 07/18/2011
Color Changing Nail Polish
I would have loved this as a teenager.
TerriRexson, on 07/18/2011
Staten Island Houses NYC: Northside
many people do not realize that Staten Island is a quaint andpicturesque ,much like many New England locations.
I drive through it to visit family but never knew about these.Good article!
Guest, on 07/18/2011
So, you want to build a freelance internet marketing business?
Good information for someone like me who is struggling to understand SEO.
I am going to come back to these articles for more help
Guest, on 07/18/2011
Aye Aye | Animal
well this is a first for me...never heard of this.good photos
Guest, on 07/18/2011
Alex, The Cat Without A Tail
we had a Max cat when I was younger. They are funny to see at first but just as longing as the rest.
Guest, on 07/18/2011
Aging Gracefully
Very beautiful sentiments! :)
JoyfulPamela, on 07/18/2011