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Scandal of the Bradley Martin Ball
Enjoyed this insight into 1890s New York City. It sounds like the Bradley Martins meant well, it just didn't go down quite as they intended.
WordCustard, on 07/18/2011
Google Social Networking
Bard, I responded on your email... I am thinking to write a post about some features as I have so many questions... maybe I can help a little more with a post... the problem is if I have time, I'll try to squeeze... Regards
Michey, on 07/18/2011
Flower Magnets on Zazzle
beautiful photos.
mbgphoto, on 07/18/2011
Cake Pop Recipes | Sweets Table at Wedding
Yes, they make things much easier!
mandeesears, on 07/18/2011
Rise of the Onlies
Sounds like an interesting documentary. I can imagine that onlies get to enjoy some very real benefits and I'm not convinced the negatives are quite as they are portrayed -- most children have access to playmates of the same age, and siblings of ...
WordCustard, on 07/18/2011
Fireflies in Our Backyard on a Summer Evening
Fireflies do seem magical and are a sight I'd love to see. I had no idea that the females will eat the males though!
WordCustard, on 07/18/2011
Google Analytics
Great information. Thanks for sharing.
Dennis Thonstad, on 07/18/2011
Color Changing Nail Polish
I think it's a great idea for teenagers...but I think I prefer the regular kind of polish. Someone was pretty ingenious to come up with this idea though.
ohcaroline, on 07/18/2011
Flower Magnets on Zazzle
The un-named flower above looks like a variety of crocus to me. These are very nice magnets. They would definitely liven up your fridge!
ohcaroline, on 07/18/2011
Learn How to Read Chinese and Have Fun Too
Oh this looks fascinating! I think it would be cool to learn to read Chinese.
bev-owens, on 07/18/2011
Fireflies in Our Backyard on a Summer Evening
I saw many of them growing up in Illinois...but I don't recall seeing them in Florida. Interesting facts on these cute little bugs.
ohcaroline, on 07/18/2011
Adventures in woodworking.
Woodworking is a skill I'd love to have. There's so much that can be done with beautifully crafted wood objects and shapes. I hope you get a chance to have your woodshop again.
WordCustard, on 07/18/2011
Cake Pop Recipes | Sweets Table at Wedding
I think they look like a great alternative to doing a regular cake. I like the idea of using the cake pop baking machines better. Cute idea.
ohcaroline, on 07/18/2011
Dinosaur TV Shows for Kids
Rawr! Kids (especially little boys) and dinosaurs just go together, don't they?
WordCustard, on 07/18/2011
Alex, The Cat Without A Tail
I think her 'bunny puff' of a tail is cute. Does it ever seem to affect her balance? I did smile at her great hunting feat. It's not every cat that can catch an olive... slippery customers, those olives. :)
WordCustard, on 07/18/2011

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