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Jump Rope Songs
This brought back some good memories of jumping rope to rhymes. One rhyme that comes to mind is "Apples, pears, peaches, plums, Tell me when your birthday comes." Then going through the months of the year, and jumping out on our birthday month.
kajohu, on 07/02/2011
Family Vacation - Driving around Lake Michigan
We've enjoyed camping at Sleeping Bear Dunes State Park in Michigan. We also loved our stay on Mackinac Island a few years ago (fudge and bikes....). Chicago is also a wonderful place to visit, especially along the lakeshore. We were there ...
kajohu, on 07/02/2011
What To Do With A Bushel of Summer Peaches
Mmmm, my mouth is watering from looking over these peach recipes! I'm just starting to see more peaches available in our grocery stores. I'd like to try the pork and peach recipes that you mention. Also the peach salsa sounds very good.
kajohu, on 07/02/2011
How to Set Up a Link Wheel
This is good information for me -- I've been haphazardly linking some of my sites together without any particular plan. Time for me to sit down and draw up some link wheel possibilities.
kajohu, on 07/02/2011
Why Wizzle on Wizzley?
That little fairy graphic is adorable! I'm glad you've joined us here at Wizzley.
Jimmie, on 07/02/2011
Tips for Collecting Ty Beanie Babies
My daughter loves picking up beanie babies at thrift stores. Despite what I've told her about collecting them, she immediately removes the TY tag. She says the tag "hurts" the animal. :-) And I think she is sending a message that she loves the ...
Jimmie, on 07/02/2011
What To Do With A Bushel of Summer Peaches
I just bought my first batch of the season, also at the farmers market. There's nothing better than a perfectly-ripe peach from the Texas Hill Country. :)
chefkeem, on 07/02/2011
Running A Zazzle Business: What Works For Me
For me this is like a tutorial, I am behind with Zazzle and plan to focus on it... Thanks
Michey, on 07/02/2011
Running A Zazzle Business: What Works For Me
Thanks Jewelsofawe for the reminder to add some page links. And thanks everyone for the nice comments. Best of luck to all my fellow Zazzlers!
dustytoes, on 07/02/2011
Grammar Tips -- Correlative Conjunctions
I love grammar, too -- I'd choose "The Elements of Style" over the juiciest novel. I have no idea why, but I guess that's just how nerds are... But you're right. We all need a refresher -- or ...
AJ Tyne, on 07/02/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
I like this article, and I like the article that inspired it. I noticed in the comments of the inspiration was "wordsmith." I've always thought that true wordsmiths should be able to craft prettier ways of expressing that they're good with ...
mhoppal, on 07/02/2011
How to Set Up a Link Wheel
I really appreciate your articles, Michael. There's always something interesting to learn. Thanks. :)
chefkeem, on 07/02/2011
Keeping Food Cold
Very warm here, and these are great ideas for keeping food cold for the picnic and cook out...thanks!
kimbesa, on 07/02/2011
What Is a Rod Puppet?
Looks fun. My daughter has made shadow puppets and a small shadow puppet stage, but we've never made these more difficult puppets.
Jimmie, on 07/02/2011
This Fourth of July Have a Kids' Parade in Your Neighborhood!
Old fashioned fun that involves bikes, costumes, and Popsicle! Love it.
Jimmie, on 07/02/2011

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