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Bank Foreclosure on Rental Property: What is a Renter to Do?
That's a good point. There is no real answer other to be cautious, and think before you leap.
lakeerieartists, on 06/15/2011
Bank Foreclosure on Rental Property: What is a Renter to Do?
So true; no one is safe in this real estate market. It's very strange how renting looks good for so many these days when home ownership used to be the dream.
PeggyHazelwood, on 06/15/2011
Container Gardening For Vegetables
Container gardens work for me...saves lots of upkeep, and I can put them in the best sunny spots. Thanks!
kimbesa, on 06/15/2011
Pictures of Caterpillars
Oh, thank you so much for sharing your "cool pix" with us! I loved seeing the results (what the caterpillar turned into).
PeggyHazelwood, on 06/15/2011
Who is the Real Barbara Radisavljevic?
Great to learn more about you, Barb! I think I've read "gift from God" in a book of baby names, and I think that meaning fits you, too.
sheilamarie, on 06/15/2011
How to Google Adsense
How do I bookmark this page? I want to reference this after I get some of my other stuff set up.
Theresa_Kennedy, on 06/15/2011
How to Grow Old Gracefully and Embrace it
puerdycat, on 06/15/2011
Container Gardening For Vegetables
I love your container garden. I have to try this. Thanks for sharing.
Mark, on 06/15/2011
How to Cut or Trim a Baby's Fingernails and Toenails
When my girls were that age, especially the first one, I was terrified that I would cut them when I needed to trim their nails.
lakeerieartists, on 06/15/2011
Why I'm writing on Wizzley
Good to meet you Kim. Very true about sowing seeds. It takes work and patience but at the end it is all worthwhile. Hope you enjoy both writing your articles and reaping the rewards here on Wizzley.
WordCustard, on 06/15/2011
A Wizzography
I'm impressed -- you've been very busy since you joined Wizzley, Lou! So far all your readers have been Zazzlers, definitely a common interest around here so I bet your Zazzle pages will be useful.
WordCustard, on 06/15/2011
Who is the Real Barbara Radisavljevic?
Good to learn more about you, Barb. You sound like a true individual. You are also a very readable writer!
WordCustard, on 06/15/2011
How UK Writers Can Make Money Writing Articles
Now added, Rich. Many thanks. I'll keep on updating this page.
WordCustard, on 06/15/2011
Narration Problems: Narrating is Too Hard
I think it's good to have both skills. Narration sometimes seems like a lost art today. :)
vikksimmons, on 06/15/2011
Why Buy A Kindle?
Hi Paul, I'm waiting for mine to arrive from Amazon as I write! I went for the 3G in the end- why not?! Thanks for all your info.
whitemoss, on 06/15/2011

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