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DSLR Photography for Beginners
I'm still waiting to take the plunge and get the DSLR. Seems if I wait long enough they will get smaller. Although I have a few acres of backyard, I take most of my pictures when I'm on my exercise walks and I keep both my Flip and my Canon ...
BarbRad, on 06/02/2011
How to Make Dreamcatcher Gourds
This is great Kathy, I just love finding crafts like this that I can do with my granddaughter. Thanks!
flipflopnana, on 06/02/2011
How to Make Dreamcatcher Gourds
This is brilliant, Kathy. I'd really like to have a go at making one but I don't know if we can get hard-shelled gourds here.
Stazjia, on 06/02/2011
Practice Photography in your own Back Yard
I still have a point and shoot -- at least all I've ever used is the auto setting. I always seem to misplace my manual. The tripod intimidates me. I have never used one because a lot of what I want to shoot moves. I'm always wanting to move the ...
BarbRad, on 06/02/2011
Where to Find Great Kids Books for Summer Reading
It helps sometimes to read some of the books your children have read so you can discuss them together when the child has finished them. That's one way to stay engaged. We also did take our children to see places they had read about, as well as ...
BarbRad, on 06/02/2011
Narration Problems: The Narration Doesn't Include the Main Ideas
Good points. I'm sure this series of articles will be helpful to teachers in schools, as well as to home schoolers.
BarbRad, on 06/02/2011
Christene's Favorite Things
I've spent so much time at Hong Kong Disney. It is a magical place. I think in some ways, heaven will be like Disney, but everyone worshiping God rather than the mouse.
Jimmie, on 06/02/2011
Five Useful Herbs for Your Garden
I've always want to grow and herb garden. Thanks for the information.
WebWriter, on 06/02/2011
Christene's Favorite Things
Fan of Disney too. It is such a magical place, especially at Christmas time.
WebWriter, on 06/02/2011
Fried chicken secrets
I guess the fried chicken secret is no longer a secret. Sounds delicious.
WebWriter, on 06/02/2011
Super Pizza Burgers
Sounds delicious!
WebWriter, on 06/02/2011
Michey Hobbies
Thanks AJ, The story with my father is very precious to me as 2 years from that time, God decided to take him from my life forever. Even now I miss him. Mom started to be mother, father, friend of mine... She struggle to work, provide good ...
Michey, on 06/02/2011
Who is Rich Leigh?
Loved the video! Very cleverly done - at first I was wondering "why in French" and then well, I "got" it :)
AJ, on 06/02/2011
Backyard Bird Feeders
Great information and nicely presented - I also love the selection of products that the keen gardener or bird lover can use
pkmcr, on 06/02/2011
Topics and Subtopics on Wizzley
Yes, this really is a great Wizzley resource. Thank you for putting it together.
AJ, on 06/02/2011

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