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Ten Ways to NOT Make Money on Zazzle
Excellent! Great read. I hope a few thousand people hit the Zazzle link to read it.
Steve , on 06/04/2011
How To Use Keywords And Keyphrases
Nicki - I'd say, show your primary KW in URL, description, page title, at the beginning of your intro paragraph, in some of the module titles and sub-titles, and 3x within your text, bolded, cursive, and in quotes. Then, one more time in the ...
chefkeem, on 06/04/2011
eBook Shopping - How To Buy eBooks Online
Nowhere yet as haven't got one,but, would love to get one, hopefully, if and when finances improve. Loved reading this, amazing what happens today. If you can get one free, then why buy a book at all?
Spook, on 06/04/2011
Introduction to Grandma Marilyn
@sheila, not really. Your still have your cars, pickup truck and pedestrians acting stupid in front of you.
GrandmaMarilyn, on 06/04/2011
Introducing Joan Adams
Oh Joan (Petunia), I loved your 'Facts Of Life ~ The Gospel According To Joan'. Such wisdom can only come through experience and learning to accept what is. You sure look like you are enjoying life! Fantastic!
BizzyBee, on 06/04/2011
Hemifacial Spasm - Our Daughter's Story
I hadn't heard of this condition before, and I am so glad that this story had a happy ending. Kathy is beautiful and has a lovely smile!
BizzyBee, on 06/04/2011
It's me! nightbear!
To be very honest, I am SO glad I have met you online! You are such a HUGE inspiration to everyone you communicate with. Did you know I am part Cherokee as well? WhiteOak is a given name also (not one I choose) I went through a very long ...
WhiteOak50, on 06/04/2011
Dahlia Vintage Jewelry Collection: Gorgeous Natural Seed Pearl Necklaces, Rings, Earrings, and Brace
This collection of Dahlia vintage jewelry is really interesting. It isn't a name that I'm familiar with but the jewelry is cool.
bev-owens, on 06/04/2011
Entertain Baby While You Do Housework or Shower
That Bumbo seat looks like a great help to moms! That must be a new product. I don't think I have ever seen that before!
petunia, on 06/04/2011
It's me! nightbear!
It was so great to get to know a little more about you, Susan!
bev-owens, on 06/04/2011
How to Backup Wordpress without expert knowledge
It is so good to see you here Sunforged! Excellent article on how to backup wordpress.
bev-owens, on 06/04/2011
Writing to Your Target Market | Defining Your Target Audience
Thank you for your sound advice, Paula. I need to update many of my pages with this in mind.
JoyfulPamela, on 06/04/2011
Adding Value: Commenting on Wizzley Content
At this point I am able to do more commenting than writing I'm afraid, but I guess that is okay too.
dustytoes, on 06/04/2011
How the Socialization of Jason Improved When He Became a Home Schooler
I do believe that children are able to tell which adults will listen to them and they also know the ones who won't really pay attention. Jason sounds like such a special boy. His time here on earth was well spent and happy it seems.
dustytoes, on 06/04/2011
How to Socialize for Homeschoolers
At the highway dept last week, standing in line, I watched as two little 3-4 year olds became fast friends. Children do naturally migrate toward each other - and they were a perfect example. Your ideas and activity lists are going to be so ...
petunia, on 06/04/2011

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