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Searching for a Turtle Nest
My God that was a persevering Mother Turtle, I think it is a fascinating to look and see how she succeeded. Very nice story. Thanks
Michey, on 05/29/2011
Ready, Freddy Books For Kids
No, I didn't. I read them Dr. Seuss books alot and books on the solar system... my oldest was and still is at 20 fascinated with stars and planets.
Jewelsofawe, on 05/29/2011
Go Wizzley With A Double Z
Crazy Wizz page, Ohme!
Jimmie, on 05/29/2011
Why Buy A Kindle?
LOL Bless you Sylvestermouse :-) They do travel incredbly well although I would always recommend getting a Kindle Case cover as well!
pkmcr, on 05/29/2011
Why Buy A Kindle?
Hmmmm..... You are a most persuasive fellow, you know! I haven't wanted to give up my books, but I must admit the argument/point that a kindle travels well certainly makes it more appealing. I will have to be careful with one though. I ...
Sylvestermouse, on 05/29/2011
Collecting Seashells: Types of Shells
I love shells. I have a big conch shell I got in Hawaii. Nicely done page!
Jewelsofawe, on 05/29/2011
Low Carb Ham and Egg Pie
Sounds good but I don't like ham, so I would put avacado or tomato in mine or maybe just cheese... I don't eat red meant or pork often.. It looks yummy.
Jewelsofawe, on 05/29/2011
Paper dolls are never too old
Good idea, I was born after the war in Europe, toys in stores didn't exist for a while, so Grandma had an old doll and using any piece of fabric she had, she created clothes for my doll... she was the most elegant doll in the town... and I was ...
Michey, on 05/29/2011
Made me chuckle learning the story behind the name - thanks!
pkmcr, on 05/29/2011
Searching for a Turtle Nest
Everything you write is always so informative and so well put over! I haven't seen this but thanks for sharing
pkmcr, on 05/29/2011
Who is the other Kathy McGraw
I hate to have my picture taken too! Thus the reason you see a blue mouse :) I think it is quite interesting that we both love to take pictures, but we hate to be photographed. I give you huge props for using a real photo of yourself as your ...
Sylvestermouse, on 05/29/2011
Superman T-Shirts
Superman rocks! I think I have liked all of the men who played Superman, but you gotta love that blue haired comic dude :)
Sylvestermouse, on 05/29/2011
Ready, Freddy Books For Kids
I don't have small kids, but I am sure this series if a great one.... and the habit of reading is very important, you are right. So my Grandfather read me stories at bed time, then I started to read him stories... looks funny... but this was ...
Michey, on 05/29/2011
Who is the other Kathy McGraw
I love your photography! I enjoyed this page also!
Jewelsofawe, on 05/29/2011
DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
Greetings my sweet friend! I guess we have found another playground :) I doubt I will behave any better here, than I did in the last one. Hyena laughs to you!!!! The zoo still awaits us :)
Sylvestermouse, on 05/29/2011

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