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How To Chose An MP3 Player
I do have a little mp3 player but I am not using it enough. it's just really hard for me to figure out these little players. I had a very tiny one last year, and I really really did not like that, so got one larger a few months ago. I think I ...
petunia, on 05/27/2011
Photography on Zazzle
your photographs are beautiful! And Zazzle products allow you to share them with the world!
petunia, on 05/27/2011
Michey Hobbies
Evelyn and Cheryl Thanks for stopping by. It was my luck and I have to thank my father for it. Regards
Michey, on 05/27/2011
How To Ask For A Raise
Tomorrow we will know more about who will be asking for a raise, Pep Guardiola or Sir Alex Ferguson?
chefkeem, on 05/27/2011
The Inner Game of Tennis
Very important tips, redirecting one's focus is a valuable asset.
CherylsArt, on 05/27/2011
Michey Hobbies
Interesting how a childhood hobby became a valuable asset for you.
CherylsArt, on 05/27/2011
Hanna Barbera Cartoon Classics: Augie Doggie And Doggie Daddy
Not that one, but I did recognize some other familiar titles.
CherylsArt, on 05/27/2011
Poppies in Spring
Poppies are beautiful; love your photos.
CherylsArt, on 05/27/2011
A little about Spook
Nice to meet you here, I am a big fan of you on Squidoo.
howcurecancer, on 05/27/2011
Missouri Botanical Garden
Sounds like a fascinating place and thanks for sharing your obvious passion for it
pkmcr, on 05/27/2011
How To Make Money on Zazzle
I discovered Zazzle last year and thoroughly enjoy it. I'm currently working on developing some new specialty stores. It's just plain fun and profitable too!
ohcaroline, on 05/27/2011
Photography on Zazzle
Love your flower calendar and your photography!
Jewelsofawe, on 05/27/2011
Missouri Botanical Garden
Beautiful! Thank you for the tour. I always love your photos and now I feel I must see the Missouri Botanical Gardens in person :)
Sylvestermouse, on 05/27/2011
Missouri Botanical Garden
Love your page and pretty flowers!
Jewelsofawe, on 05/27/2011
How To Ask For A Raise
Very sound advice, Paul, for those asking for a raise. I can't recall having asked for a raise. However, I did decide on one occasion that I wanted to work for another public sector organization. So I visited the Boss and said if you let me do ...
ronpass, on 05/27/2011

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