Delicious.com | Excellent Way to Promote Your Articles
by Mladen
Delicious.com is a bookmarking web-site, where you can collect and present your interests from across the web. This is excellent way to promote your articles.
Short Intro About Delicious.com
If not yet, discover now why is Delicious an excellent way to promote your articles!
I have joined Delicious 6 months ago. At the time I've just started writing a blog, and I was looking for web-sites, where I could promote it. All I wanted then was to post a backlink to there, so it could receive greater traffic and in hope it would increase Google rank of my blog about bunnies.
I have found on the net lots of advices about ideal sites for promoting articles, such as Ezine, Squidoo, HubPages, Wizzley, etc. The last thing I wanted was to write whole bunch of articles just to provide few backlinks (I was beginner). Bookmarking web-sites seemed like excellent solution to my problems, and great addition to some article submission web-sites I have chosen to write on.
One of the first bookmarking sites I have joined was Delicious or Tasty as I like to call it.
Since then, I experienced only good sides of promotion on Delicious. I have to mark one thing here: links on delicious are noFollow, but it is possible to acquire doFollow links there to your beloved articles.
What inspired me to write about Tasty? Well, recently Katie (fellow Wizzley writer) and I decided to join our forces and make a presentation of our articles from the same categories on this bookmarking web-site. Keep reading to see what have we done, or jump to Katie's and mine Article Promotion Adventure on Delicious right away.
What is Delicious.com All About?
It is all about promotion of the articles, blogs and sites that you like and social networking.
How to get the best of the Delicious in way of promotion your own articles and other articles that you have found interesting?
With Tasty, it is simple to bookmark any web address there on the net. On Delicious, you are collecting your favorite links, by adding them directly on this bookmarking web-site, or by using "save on delicious" bookmarking tool. It is quite simple, fast and fun.
If you just save links there, you ddin't do much actually. On this bookmarking web-site, they have option to create stacks. Stack is collection of similar links, or in other words, collection of topics that belong to the same category.
You can make stack about, lets say, traveling. What have I done with my first stack on "Tasty"?
I decided to create a stack with a title: Traveling to Eastern Europe. I already had few articles about tourist destinations in Eastern Europe on few article submission web-sites. You can check my stack on Delicious by following the link, and see what does it look like. After only 6 hours I have received e-mail notification that my stack has been featured in their staff stack pick section on the front page. This was right choice to do, I guess. Later I have published 3 more stacks, and they all were featured. I guess Tasty staff enjoyed my stories (only 13 stacks are featured every 48 hrs). Being featured on main page means an increase in traffic to your articles and blogs. Trust me, spikes were there!
Interaction with delicious community
You are able to interact with other members on Tasty in many ways. You can follow stack created by other members, you can follow members, you can comment on their stacks, send them messages, share stacks and links with them and communicate with members on delicious blog.
This bookmarking web-site offers you option to invite contributors to your new projects. This way, you and other people can work on the same stack and publish it. This is an other way of interaction with its community..
Katie and I Worked as a Team:
![]() Build stacks together with your Delitious friends! |
Stack on Delicious Being Featured
![]() Delicious.com: Staff Stack Picks |
Katie's and My Article Promotion Adventure on Delicious
Our articles had two days long promotion on Delicious front page.
Katie is an excellent and experienced writer here on Wizzley, and she was the one who came to help me from my first article published here. Later, I noticed we write about similar topics (mostly health and art). She loves contemporary art, and I love it too, while I am writing about branch of contemporary art: surrealism.
My first thought was: hey, we should join forces and work together on these topics. ONE OF projects, we worked together on, happened on Delicious.com. I proposed to make a stack there about Contemporary art and Surrealism and fill it with link to 8 articles we had separately written earlier.
I am really happy to say she accepted this "business proposal".
One day after the stack was published, I received e-mail notification about the stack being featured on their front page. What a joy that was! Stories remain featured for 48 hrs in their Staff Stack Picks selection. You can check how does that look like on the image above. On the charts to the right, you can see traffic flow from Tasty to my articles.
I think this was excellent way to promote Katie's and mine articles.
Do You Use Delicious in Promotion of Your Articles?
Guest writer, writing about her own experience in content promotion on Delicious.com:
We all know the value of back linking, or driving interested readers, or traffic, to your content. As of late there has been much discussion as to whether or not to back link your material. After asking the question we received a firm yes to the back linking issue. It is good to back link to good reputable resources. I’ve been in the internet content business for over five years now. When I first started back linking was huge, everyone stressed doing it and doing so with whatever means available. It’s flat out good for business and in fact is the internet equivalent to advertising.
I’ve been there done that when it comes to back linking, you name it I’ve heard of it. I was no stranger to delicious when recently introduced to it. I say introduced to it as delicious has made some impressive changes. I was reluctant to utilize its service as I never really got much love from it in the past. I visited the site again due to the recommendation I got from a respected co-writer. I was instantly taken back; delicious had made some impressive changes. After going back and forth with Mladen, I quickly learned the new and much improved value of delicious. I’ve been giving it a go and enjoy using the site. I especially like how the site allows you to build stacks.
I’m currently adding my online content to delicious and feel you too could benefit from this traffic generating source. I’d also like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Miaden for being such a positive and support writer, passing on helpful tools that are for the betterment of all the writers who use it and the sites at which they write.
Best Regards, Katie
NoFollow and DoFollow Links Policy on Delicious
All links saved on this web-site are initially noFollow links. Are they going to be turned to doFollow depends on their popularity. Delicious recognizes the potential of popular links on their web-site. This means if your link is saved by other members too, it will become doFollow.
Featured stack gives more chance to your links to be saved by other members too. Do you see the power of your work being on the front page now? Even if not doFollow, links are valuable. They will bring visitors to your articles. In two days I had around 150 hits from delicious to my articles, here on Wizzley.
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I am afraid, Brenda, that Delicious has changed a lot since I wrote the article. I am looking for more information needed to update this article.
Thanks for the article. I wasn't sure how Delicious worked. Now I do and I'll start using it.
Sharilee, I just joined and they have published my article. Maybe that is because I put some intersting images there. New version of delicious is based on photos and images, which are very important to them, since that is what visitors see first on their front page. I am not familiar with your stacks there. You can find me under username "navalava", or by following one of the links in this article to my stacks.
I am not sure why, either, but I have created 5 stacks (one few days ago) and all of them were featured. I think it is because I used some good images there, and I wrote about subjects such as art and pets, which they probably find appealing for their front page.
Miaden, this is great! I have been a member of Delicious for a few months now, too. I have never been featured as a staff pick, though, and I am not sure why. I gather articles from across the web on different topics. I like your article and want to study it to see how I could use Delicious more effectively. It sounds like you do quite a bit of social networking with it, too, which I haven't done. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences!
I didn;t want to make it sound PR is not important. It is, but less than before. I am just saying I am trying to build quality backlinks, and not worrying about PR. It will come with time.
Zujava and Wizzley are great places, and most of my articles show up on Google's first or second page in less than 2 hrs. This is way better than Squidoo. I must admit I didn't have much luck with Squidoo. I guess it depends on one's interests and experience. For what I need, Wizzley is just perfect. ;)
I assume Squidoo is convenient for writers writing in other languages, besides English.
I would like to hear about your experiences on Squidoo and here on Wizzley. If you want, you can contact me trough mail or send me message on my profile.
I agree with you about traffic. I have a site with PR 1 and 500 visits a day and another with PR 4 with 60 visits a day. But it is still important if you want to position your new article fast. With new lens (on Squidoo), interlinked with other lenses (with PR arond 2) I managed to bring my e-store on totally new keyword from >1.000 to top 10 in less than 24 hours and this is white hat.
And if I publish new article on my PR 4 site it will be indexed way faster than article on PR 1, so PR is still nice thing to have.
I think having PR on your backlinks can only help.
I use Zujava and now Wizzley just to experiment with positioning some of my blogs or pages but don't have enough time (patience?, knowledge?) to use digg and similar services.
I am sure we'll have a chance to continue this debate soon... Thanks for now!
I don't seek for PageRank, since it is not that important for your traffic. Google is not paying much attention on PageRank anymore.
I am just choosing good places to promote no matter if they will or won't bring any traffic. In long term it pays out.
I notice my articles and blogs are moving up in search engines trough time, so I guess backlinking is working.
I would suggest you these places for promotion:
stumpleupon (no-follow but brings traffic),
pinterest (still do-follow if you place link in description)
I use these mostly.
I have to admit I have still a lot to do in the area of promotion. I have used RedGage and it didn't bring me any visible results, so at the moment I depend on more 'conventional' backlinking strategies. I didn't know backlink from Delicious can become do-follow. Thanks for that info.
Have you done any experiments to get some PageRank on these links too?
Barb, congrats! I am happy for you! I am collecting articles for my new stack too. Lets hope I wil be lucky again. ;)
I am happy to hear it! I hope you will have success with Delicious.com as I did.