Halloween Costumes for Everyone

by lou16

Everyone loves to dress up for Halloween from the youngest baby to great grandparents so here's some great fancy dress ideas for everyone in the family.

There are so many different ideas for costumes that it's hard to know where to start. There are great baby costumes from cute to funny and the same with childrens costumes.

When you get older children and teens they generally know exactly what they want to dress up as - their favorite celebrity or sports star if my experience is anything to go by!

Next we move onto adult hood and there are lots of costume ideas for us to choose here - individual costumes, costumes for couples and should the need arise even maternity costumes.

Let's look at some of the Halloween costumes available online in a little more detail.....

Halloween Costumes for Babies

As I've said in the introduction there are lots of different types of costumes for babies to choose from including the really cute costumes like the baby candy corn costume featured below as well as the funny baby costumes that you can find.  

One such funny costume is this Smiley Face costume -

smiley face costume

Actually I think this costume ticks both the cute as well as the funny costume box don't you?

I don't think I've found a single costume for a baby that I havent' fallen in love with as they all look so cute.   This one would probably have been better for my own daughter when she was younger because she liked her arms and legs to be free unlike many of her contemporaries who loved their bunting costumes she would've enjoyed a costume that allowed her to kick freely.

I've found lots of different Halloween (or any fancy dress occasion really) costumes for babies which you can find at the pages below.

What should you dress your baby in for their first Halloween? I have some classic Baby Halloween Costumes available for you to choose from from Candy Corn through to Ghosts.
Baby bunting costumes are a great way to dress up the youngest member of the family this Halloween and there are some really cute baby bunting costumes available to choose from.

Halloween Costumes for Toddlers

There are lots of different costume ideas for toddlers as well and popular ones seem to be animal inspired ones like the Tiger below along with Princess/Fairy or Pirate costumes along with Disney favorites.

Silly Safari Tiger Kids CostumeI love this tiger outfit and it would look great on a boy or a girl, definitely a winner for Halloween this year.

Another animal that looks gorgeous as a toddler costume are dogs - I love dog toddler costumes, especially when the toddlers start to act like a dog!

Pirate costumes are very cute toddler costumes whether you have a little girl or a little boy, in fact being a mom to a girl I have a slightly biased opinion that the pirate costumes for girls are cuter!   If you're interested in dressing your child up as a pirate this year then this is a great website for all of your costume and accessories needs - Pirate Costumes for Children.

Let's look at a few other ideas for toddler's Halloween costumes .......

Little girls have never looked so cute as these budding ballerinas in their toddler ballerina costumes.
There's something really cute about lady bugs that make them an ideal toddler costume.

Disney Princess Ballerina Costumes for Toddlers
As a mom and aunty to girls I know that they love two things a lot when they're toddlers - the Disney Princesses and 'pretending' to be a ballerina which makes these pretty Disney Princess Ballerina costumes a must have!

Costumes for Children

Children often have a set idea on what they want to dress up as and the easiest thing for a parent to do is go along with it!   I remember my daughter's first fancy dress party we decided we'd let her go to the costume shop and hire a costume as she was really excited - with all the choice they had she decided to go with Batman and there was nothing we could do to change her mind.

Incidently we had nothing against her going as Batman, it would just have been cheaper for us to have gone and brought her a Batman costume as they were part of the small selection of costumes that we were able to buy locally at a reasonable price, however back to costumes for kids.

Here are some great kid's costume ideas for you to look at with your children -

Pirate Costumes for Children
Who doesn't love dressing up as a pirate? Pirate costumes have long been a favorite fancy dress costume for both girls and boys for years.

Ghost Costumes for Children
There are some great ghost costumes for children available online these days and they've come a long way since the old sheet that we used as kids!

Monster High Costumes for Girls
Monster High costumes have become very popular with girls - whether they prefer Frankie Stein or Lagoona Blue there's a costume available for them to choose as well as wigs and make-up ......what more could a little girl want?

Halloween Costumes for Teenage Girls

All teenage girls are different so it's hard to know what they're going to want to dress up as from one year to the next!

At the moment popular choices in the world of Celebrity include Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Kim Khardashian.   As far as movie costume ideas go some will love the Avengers' Black Widow while others will prefer to dress as Katniss Everdeen or Bella Swan.

fallen angel costume 

Another popular costume choice (especially for the rebellious teen) is a fallen angel type of costume like the one pictured.

This is a very Gothic inspired costume and includes the faux-leather dress and the matching wings which I think look awesome!

These can be worn with any type of footwear, but personally I think a pair of Doc Marten style of black boots would look really good.   The gloves and choker aren't included as part of the outfit, but they are easy to find in the shops or may already be in your teen's wardrobe.

Katniss Everdeen is the star of the books and movie The Hunger Games and is sure to be a popular costume choice this year.
With the much anticipated movie The Avengers being released in 2012 it's likely that The Avengers costumes will be sought after outfits for Halloween this year.

Halloween Costumes for Teen Boys

What are some popular costume ideas for teen boys?   Well I don't know that many teenage boys, but I do know a couple of them would always love an excuse to dress up as a zombie!

Halloween Costumes for Teen Boys

Other costume ideas include the likes of favorite musicians, superheroes and television or film characters.

The 1920s seem to be a popular theme this year and for boys that means old time gangster style of costume ...... with a machine gun as optional of course!   This could definitely be a fun costume idea for a teen boy especially if he's dating a teen who wants to wear one of the gorgeous flapper costumes that are available!!


Which of these costume ideas do you think will suit your teen boy the best?

If he loves the Avengers then I'll include a link to some of their costume ideas - 

With the much anticipated movie The Avengers being released in 2012 it's likely that The Avengers costumes will be sought after outfits for Halloween this year.

Halloween Costumes for Adults

There are so many different fancy dress ideas for adults that it's really hard to think where to start.   There are celebrity costumes, superhero costumes, food costumes, sexy costumes, funny costumes.....the list just goes on and on and on.

If you want a selection of costume ideas then you might find this link below really helpful as it's like an online directory of costume ideas for adults.

Lou's Costume Collection
This selection of costume ideas is pretty much a difinitive Halloween costume list and is great for getting ideas as to what you want to dress up as.

Halloween Costumes for the Family Pet

Pet Costume Ideas

My pets are part of the family too so why not let them join in the fun of Halloween by dressing them up in style with some of the cool pet costumes available.....

If you like to dress your dog up for Halloween then you'll love this collection of character pet costumes that I've compiled for you.

Photos of Pets in Costumes

Halloween Images of Family Pets
Dogs on Call!
Dogs on C...
Updated: 05/26/2023, lou16
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