Many people feel a strong affinity for the beach. If you're one of these people bringing the beach into your home can give a feeling a relaxation and calmness to your personal space. You can of course do this with ornaments and wall art. But many people forget that throw pillows are also a great (and comfy) decorating idea.
These pillows will look great in a room that has a few shells or driftwood scattered about on tables or shelves as decoration. It's even better if you can collect these ornaments yourself. Collecting empty shells washed up on a beach is better for the environment. It's a fun and relaxing activity for any age. It also means the shells you have on display have some personal meaning to you. They'll remind you of those days you walked along the beach collecting them.
Now there aren't a lot of good quality throw pillows with a beach design - but there are some good ones...