WordPress Plugin Part 02
by Michey
This post is dedicated to give you a solution if a server crush or other calamities destroy your Blog. I add some miscellaneous plugin topics as well.
What If?
I know you don't like "What if" question, but honestly:
- What if the server crush, or whatever else disaster makes you lose your Blog?
- What if you need migrating your Blog to a new location? … and your Blog is huge, and you want not only the posts but also widgets, themes, plug-ins.
If you don't have a great response to these what ifs... you are gambling with your hard work.
As usual the Wordpress plugins come to the rescue!
There are many ways you can solve this problems but I present to you the most elegant and "worry free" solution, which doesn't present a great value for a beginner Blogger, but definitely is a huge help for "heavy duty" Bloggers.
If you are a beginner, keep reading as well, your progress on blogging is quicker then you think.
I also added some miscellaneous discussions about other plugins.
BackupBuddy Plugin
This is a solution which is easy, fast and reliable.
The plugin called "BackupBuddy" let you backup your entire WordPress install including the widgets, themes, plugins, and SQL database.
You can:
- Backup your entire WP install
- Restore your site on the same server or
- Migrate to a new server with a different domain and database
It is a good advice not leaving the backup process up to your web host. With BackupBuddy you can schedule backups and have them sent off-site to: Amazon S3, your email, Rackspace Cloud, an FTP/FTPS account.
It is not a FREE plugin, but if you think you put up a lot of work on your Blog(s), make sens to have it. The cost of plug-in is a licence based on how many blogs you want to cover:
- For 2 Blogs is $75.00
- For 10 Blogs is $100.00
- For unlimited Blogs is $150.00
This is where you will find this plugin:
Note: The “migrate” function is awesome for people who build custom WordPress sites for clients. As WordPress developer you build a custom site for a client on a temporary domain and then you migrate the entire site (content, styles, widgets, plugins, SQL Databases) on a live client domain. It is priceless!
The most popular plugins
Do you know which they are? Why bother?... because this definitely reflects the value of them... and sometime it is a way to separate the weeds.
As today, the most popular:
- All in One SEO Pack - this plugin is by far the most downloaded - 8,124,836 times as today, WOW! It is a plugin which optimizes your Wordpress blog for Search Engines, by Michael Torbert. I am not saying more as I am sure you all know and use this plug-in
- WPtouch - downloaded 2,150,199 times, it is a plugin which automatically transforms your WordPress blog into an iPhone application-style theme, when viewed from iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Palm Pre, Samsung touch and BlackBerry Storm/Torch mobile devices. Being consider number 2 is a precious info which proofs the popularity of mobile devices.
- NextGEN Gallery - downloaded 3,444,328 times ( it is interesting that the number of download is greater then WPtouch which is no 2) It is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a slideshow option.
- GTranslate - downloaded 1,146,462 times, it is using Google Translate automatic translation service to translate your web page with Google tool. It is working for 58 available languages, so your site can be available for over 90% of internet users
- W3 Total Cache - downloaded 561,606 times, I find about it in the newsletter of Hostgator, my host. Looks like, W3 Total Cache ie the most complete WordPress performance framework for your site. It is:
- improving your server performance
- caching every aspect of your site
- reducing the download times
- providing transparent content delivery network integration
- Google XML Sitemaps - downloaded 5,353,938 times, it generates a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com to better index your blog and it notifies all major search engines every time you create a post about the new content you just created
I stop here, but I think you know now the value of looking over the number of downloads and do a little more research about the plugins for the same keywords.
AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget
The ver. 2.2 gives us new look, which I like it , if you click on the cross you get the full list
![]() AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget ver. 2.2.0 |
More knowledge about WP Plugins
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
WordPress 3 Plugin Development Essent... Packt Publishing Only $22.91 | Professional WordPress (Wrox Programm... Wrox | WordPress 3 Site Blueprints Packt Publishing |
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Wordpress Plugin Part 01
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Am I right about the backup?
Excellent choices for plug ins and I need to download a couple of these. I think our blogs need to be up to date for iphone and ipad technology. That is the way the world is heading now. thanks so much.
Brilliant idea! I am trying to learn about Wordpress and so this article is helpful for me. Thank you, Michey!
Thanks for reading, and really for your interest on pluins, they are the endless functionality for Wordpress platform. I keep an eye on them and share.
LOL... I don't know I am a kid! Thanks Kate
Thanks for the heads up on WordPress Plugins
And some of the plugins you mentioned are brand new to me! Thank you!
Wow--You are a Word Press Wiz Kid, Michey. I wish I knew as much as you!! But I know I can always ask you, too.