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10 Novels Everyone Should Read
Hello Triggered, thanks for taking the time to comment. I'm really pleased that you've enjoyed many of my choices. I agree with your description of Kundera as "mind-blowing". 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' is one of those books that stays ...
WiseFool, on 05/12/2012
5 Books That Every Teenage Girl Should Read
Thanks, Dustytoes. I love Poe too, but I didn't read any of his work until I was in my early twenties. I'm not sure what I would have made of him as a teenager, he probably would have frightened me out of a good few nights' sleeps. Little Women ...
WiseFool, on 05/12/2012
Where Do Vegans Get Their Calcium?
Becoming a vegan should not be a decision made over night. Calcium intake is only one of problems coming with this diet. Life of a vegan brings a lot of responsibilities but this is actually good in long term, because responsible vegan starts to ...
Tolovaj, on 05/12/2012
The Money Making Potential of Zujava
Zujava has huge potential and I can add in first year percentage for referrals is 25 percent, after that will drop to 20, so it pays to be the early bird...
Tolovaj, on 05/12/2012
Favourite Hitchcockian Films Alfred Never Directed
Vinaya- Wasn't The Gazebo fun? I love that film. Thanks for sharing waht you thought of the film.
FloraBreenRobison, on 05/12/2012
Growing Peppers at Home
Thank you Vinaya, I am pleased you enjoyed it.
Curiad, on 05/12/2012
10 Novels Everyone Should Read
I've read nine out of your ten at one time or another and some of your choices are on my The Greatest Hits list too - Kundera is mind-blowing, with Douglas Adams and Heller following closely behind. And I was so relieved not to find Harry ...
Tiggered, on 05/11/2012
Growing Peppers at Home
Definitely do try again Tolovaj! and thank you for reading my article and commenting.
Curiad, on 05/11/2012
Wiztronics - A Writers Utopia - What It Means To Be A Wizzley Author
Thank You PDX much appreciated :)
Jerrico_Usher, on 05/11/2012
Wiztronics - A Writers Utopia - What It Means To Be A Wizzley Author
This was a little long for my taste, Jerrico, but very well done. I don't write on Wizzley often right now (busy with school and other writing) but it's been a great experience thus far... great writer's and great information. Well said and well ...
PDXJPrice, on 05/11/2012
Growing Peppers at Home
I was growing peppers several years ago on my balcony and they were doing just fine before aphids came to attack them. Still don't know where they came from... To make it short: I lost a battle, but after reading this article my spirit is ...
Tolovaj, on 05/11/2012
Midlife Career Change
We all live in fast changing times but your story is still touching. I can relate to it in more than one point. It is great you moved on and become even stronger. Keep movin'!
Tolovaj, on 05/11/2012
Hans Christian Andersen: his life and his fairy tales
Nice to hear that. H. C. Andersen is in my opinion a must read and knowing some facts about his private life can only add to reading experience.
Tolovaj, on 05/11/2012
Hans Christian Andersen: his life and his fairy tales
Beautifully presented and fascinating treatise on the great Hans Christian Andersen. Enjoyed it very much and learned many new facts too. Thumbs up!
SeanMac, on 05/11/2012
Thank you Tolovaj for your visit and comments on Gandalf. I often wondered why Tolkien rarely included women Dwarves, Hobbits or Elves, except for Galadriel or high born Ladies. Still, as you say, he is the 'MAIN MAN' even though GRR Martin is ...
SeanMac, on 05/11/2012

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