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Article Score : How is it calculated?
Glad to be of assistance @Pinkchic Traffic will have an influence, especially if in conjunction with an 'Editors choice award' but unless you are getting at least 100 hits a day on the articles, it is unlikely if taken alone, to make much ...
humagaia, on 02/20/2012
How to Support Your Husband Through a Season of Unemployment
Good article, but you missed one point imho, the one of having - as a woman - your own income and business. That way, if unemployment / hardship strikes either of you things are so much easier to balance out!
Sam, on 02/20/2012
How to be a Good Wife? 9 Qualities of an Ideal Wife
Good grief! A good wife always knows her place? In our partnership, yes, we are married, but we still consider it a partnership, things are like this: My husband washes and irons, because he is better than me at doing this. I am doing all the ...
Sam, on 02/20/2012
How to Get Pinned at Pinterest
You've got great tips here. I definitely agree about having an intriguing cover photo to use so that people will come to your page for a tutorial instead of knowing everything right from the photo. Great post! I love pinterest :)
Pinkchic18, on 02/20/2012
Article Score : How is it calculated?
Very neat post. This was really helpful. I wasn't sure why my pages aren't exactly ranking well but I think they just need more traffic then a lot of these other things :) I learned a lot in this post, it helped a lot!
Pinkchic18, on 02/20/2012
Author Score : Relevant or Irrelevant?
@sheila - I have never been accused of that before! Solid - yes. But never sane! All writers need that little bit of schizophrenia just to get them through the day - and multiple personalities give you someone to have a conversation with. Thanks ...
humagaia, on 02/20/2012
Makeup Train Cases
Wonderful idea! I wish i had enough makeup to fill up one of these cases. Unfortunately all i ever carry around is mascara, eyeliner and bronzer.
Pinkchic18, on 02/20/2012
How to Use MAC Pigments
Okay first off, I knew before I even read your article that you would know what you were talking about, your profile pic makeup is gorgeous! These tips are awesome as well, it's always great to get more makeup help! Thanks for sharing your ...
Pinkchic18, on 02/20/2012
Where Did The "Over The Hill" Saying Come From?
I was going to say I think we should move over the hill to 80. I have a great sense of humor, but some people don't especially when it comes to age. I can always spot them and don't send them any funny aging birthday cards.
BrendaReeves, on 02/20/2012
How to Wear Flats - What Looks Good With Flats
Flats are so versatile! I have a pair for almost every occasion. Okay not almost. They look good with everything! The only thing i can think of that they wouldn't look great with is sweats. Great post!
Pinkchic18, on 02/20/2012
Gyaru Style
This is a Gorgeous look! I wish I could pull it off.
Pinkchic18, on 02/20/2012
Author Score : Relevant or Irrelevant?
Great article, humagaia, and I agree, there wouldn't be a rating for our articles or our "author status" if it didn't mean something. I've enjoyed all you ex-hubbers and your sage advice. I'd signed up there awhile ago but never got around to ...
sheilamarie, on 02/20/2012
The Best Makeup Brushes and How to Use Them
This is a great article! Over the years, I've collected some run-of-the-mill brushes that seem to fall apart on me without fail. It'd be good to invest in something a little nicer that will last me longer! Great job here!
Pinkchic18, on 02/20/2012
Can You Make Money with Chitika on Wizzley?
Ok, thanks very much. :D
JoHarrington, on 02/20/2012
How To Make Gift Bags
@kinworm That is a great idea to make them out of fabric! I've never tried that yet :) I have gone to the dollar section of Target where they have small reusable totes and I use those for gift bags as well. Then they have multiple purposes for ...
Pinkchic18, on 02/20/2012

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